MooseX::Lists - treat arrays and hashes as lists


   package Stuff;

   use Moose;
   use MooseX::Lists;

   has_list a => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Array');
   has_list h => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Hash' );

   has_list same_as_a => ( is => 'rw' );


   my $s = Stuff-> new(
   	a => [1,2,3],
	h => { a => 1, b => 2 }

   my @list   = $s-> a;     # ( 1 2 3 )
   my $scalar = $s-> a;     # [ 1 2 3 ]

   $s-> a(1,2,3);           # 1 2 3
   $s-> a([1,2,3]);         # 1 2 3
   $s-> a([]);              # empty array
   $s-> a([[]]);            # []

   my %list = $s-> h;       # ( a => 1, b => 2 )
   my $sc   = $s-> h;       # { a => 1, b => 2 }

   $s-> h(1,2,3,4);         # 1 2 3 4
   $s-> h({1,2,3,4});       # 1 2 3 4
   $s-> h({});              # empty hash


Provides asymmetric list access for arrays and hashes



Replacement for has, with exactly same syntax, expect for isa, which must begin either with ArrayRef or HashRef. If isa is omitted, array is assumed.

When a method is declared with has_list, internally it is a normal perl array or hash. The method behaves differently if called in scalar or list context. See below for details.


In get-mode, behaves like auto_deref: in scalar context, returns direct reference to the array, list context, returns defereenced array.

In set-mode behaves asymmetrically: if passed one argument, and this argument is an arrayref, treats it as an arrayref, otherwise dereferences the arguments and creates a new arrayref, which is stored internally. I.e. the only way to clear the array is to call -method([]) >.


In get-mode, behaves like auto_deref: in scalar context, returns direct reference to the hash, list context, returns defereenced hash.

In set-mode behaves asymmetrically: if passed one argument, and this argument is a hashref, treats it as a hashref, otherwise dereferences the arguments and creates a new hashref, which is stored internally. I.e. the only way to clear the hash is to call -method({}) >.


Dmitry Karasik, <>.


Karen Etheridge, Jesse Luehrs, Stevan Little.