Prima::PS::Printer - PostScript interface to Prima::Printer


use Prima; use Prima::PS::Printer;


Realizes the Prima printer interface to PostScript level 2 document language through Prima::PS::Drawable module. Allows different user profiles to be created and managed with GUI setup dialog. The module is designed to be compliant with Prima::Printer interface.

Also contains convenience classes (File, LPR, Pipe) for non-GUI use.


use Prima::PS::Printer;

my $x;
if ( $preview) {
   $x = Prima::PS::Pipe-> create( command => 'gv -');
} elsif ( $print_in_file) {
   $x = Prima::PS::File-> create( file => '');
} else {
   $x = Prima::PS::LPR-> create( args => '-Pcolorprinter');
$x-> begin_doc;
$x-> font-> size( 300);
$x-> text_out( "hello!", 100, 100);
$x-> end_doc;