Prima::Markup - allow markup in widgets


    use Prima qw(Application Buttons Drawable::Markup);
	text   => Prima::Drawable::Markup->new(markup => "B<Bold> bU<u>tton"),
	hotKey => 'u',
    run Prima;


Prima::Markup adds the ability to recognize POD-like markup to Prima widgets. Supported markup sequences are B (bold text), I (italic text), U (underlined text), F (change font), S (change font size), C (change foreground color), Q (change background color), M (move pointer), W (disable wrapping), and P (picture).

The F sequence is used as follows: F<n|text>, where n is a 0-based index into the fontPalette.

The S sequence is used as follows: S<n|text>, where n is the number of points relative to the current font size. The font size may optionally be preceded by + or -.

The C and Q sequences are used as follows: C<c|text>, where c is either: a color in any form accepted by Prima, including the cl constants (Black Blue Green Cyan Red Magenta Brown LightGray DarkGray LightBlue LightGreen LightCyan LightRed LightMagenta Yellow White Gray). Or, a 0-based index into the colorPalette. Also, default can be used to set the color that the canvas originaly had. For Q a special value off can be used to turn off background color and set it as transparent.

The M command has three parameters, comma-separated: X, Y, and flags. X and Y are coordinates how much to move the current pointer. By default X and are in pixels, and do not extend block width. flags is a set of characters, where each is:

m - set units to font height
p - set units to points
x - also extend the block width

The text inside W sequence will not be wrapped during text_wrap calls.

The P sequence is used as follows:P<n>, where n is a 0-based index into the picturePalette.

The methods text_out and get_text_width are affected by Prima::Markup. text_out will write formatted text to the canvas, and get_text_width will return the width of the formatted text. NOTE: These methods do not save state between calls, so your markup cannot span lines (since each line is drawn or measured with a separate call).


The following properties are used:


Gets or sets the color palette to be used for C sequences within this widget. Each element of the array should be a cl:: constant.


Gets or sets the font palette to be used for F sequences within this widget. Each element of the array should be a hashref suitable for setting a font.


Gets or sets the picture palette to be used for P sequences within this widget. Each element of the array should be a Prima::Image descendant.




Copyright 2003 Teo Sankaro

You may redistribute and/or modify this module under the same terms as Perl itself. (Although a credit would be nice.)


This module based on work by Teo Sankaro, <>.