Prima::DetailedList - a multi-column list viewer with controlling header widget.


use Prima::DetailedList;

use Prima qw(DetailedList Application);
my $l = Prima::DetailedList->new(
	columns => 2,
	headers => [ 'Column 1', 'Column 2' ],
	items => [
		['Row 1, Col 1', 'Row 1, Col 2'],
		['Row 2, Col 1', 'Row 2, Col 2']
$l-> sort(1);
run Prima;


Prima::DetailedList is a descendant of Prima::ListViewer, and as such provides a certain level of abstraction. It overloads format of items in order to support multi-column ( 2D ) cell span. It also inserts Prima::Header widget on top of the list, so the user can interactively move, resize and sort the content of the list. The sorting mechanism is realized inside the package; it is activated by the mouse click on a header tab.

Since the class inherits Prima::ListViewer, some functionality, like 'item search by key', or get_item_text method can not operate on 2D lists. Therefore, mainColumn property is introduced, that selects the column representing all the data.




Called inside sort method, to facilitate custom algorithms of sorting. If the callback procedure is willing to sort by COLUMN index, then it must call clear_event, to signal the event flow stop. The DIRECTION is a boolean flag, specifying whether the sorting must be performed is ascending ( 1 ) or descending ( 0 ) order.

The callback procedure must operate on the internal storage of {items}, which is an array of arrays of scalars.

The default action is the literal sorting algorithm, where precedence is arbitrated by cmp operator ( see "Equality Operators" in perlop ) .


aligns ARRAY

Array of ta:: align constants, where each defined the column alignment. Where an item in the array is undef, it means that the value of the align property must be used.

columns INTEGER

Governs the number of columns in items. If set-called, and the new number is different from the old number, both items and headers are restructured.

Default value: 0


Assigns a header class.

Create-only property.

Default value: Prima::Header

headerProfile HASH

Assigns hash of properties, passed to the header widget during the creation.

Create-only property.

headerDelegations ARRAY

Assigns a header widget list of delegated notifications.

Create-only property.

headers ARRAY

Array of strings, passed to the header widget as column titles.

items ARRAY

Array of arrays of scalars, of arbitrary kind. The default behavior, however, assumes that the scalars are strings. The data direction is from left to right and from top to bottom.

mainColumn INTEGER

Selects the column, responsible for representation of all the data. As the user clicks the header tab, mainColumn is automatically changed to the corresponding column.

Default value: 0


sort [ COLUMN ]

Sorts items by the COLUMN index in ascending order. If COLUMN is not specified, sorts by the last specified column, or by #0 if it is the first sort invocation.

If COLUMN was specified, and the last specified column equals to COLUMN, the sort direction is reversed.

The method does not perform sorting itself, but invokes Sort notification, so the sorting algorithms can be overloaded, or be applied differently to the columns.


Dmitry Karasik, <>.


Prima, Prima::Lists, Prima::Header, examples/