use strict;
sub notification_types {{
Link => nt::Action,
LinkPreview => nt::Action,
LinkAdjustRect => nt::Action,
sub profile_default {{ color => cl::Green }}
*op_link_enter = \&Prima::Drawable::Markup::op_link_enter;
*op_link_leave = \&Prima::Drawable::Markup::op_link_leave;
sub new
my $class = shift;
my %profile = @_;
my $self = {
last_link_pointer => [-1, cr::Default],
bless( $self, $class);
$self-> {$_} = $profile{$_} ? $profile{$_} : []
for qw( rectangles references);
$self->{color} = $profile{color} // profile_default->{color};
$self->bind_markup($profile{markup}) if defined $profile{markup};
return $self;
sub contains
my ( $self, $x, $y) = @_;
my $rec = 0;
for ( @{$self-> {rectangles}}) {
return $rec if $x >= $$_[0] && $y >= $$_[1] && $x < $$_[2] && $y < $$_[3];
return -1;
sub id2rectangles
my ( $self, $link_id ) = @_;
return grep { $_->[4] == $link_id } @{ $self->{rectangles} };
sub rectangles
return $_[0]-> {rectangles} unless $#_;
$_[0]-> {rectangles} = $_[1];
sub references
return $_[0]-> {references} unless $#_;
$_[0]-> {references} = $_[1];
sub color
return $_[0]-> {color} unless $#_;
my ( $self, $color ) = @_;
$self->{color} = $color;
$self->{colormap}->[ $self->{link_color_index} ] = $color if $self->{colormap};
sub bind_markup
my ( $self, $m ) = @_;
if ( $m ) {
my $cm = $m->colormap;
my $ix = @$cm;
push @$cm, $self->color;
$m->linkColor( $ix | tb::COLOR_INDEX );
$self->{link_color_index} = $ix;
$self->{colormap} = $cm;
$self->{references} = $m->link_urls;
} else {
$self->{references} = [];
$self->{link_color_index} = undef;
$self->{colormap} = undef;
sub open_podview
my ( $self, $url, $btn, $mod ) = @_;
sub open_browser
my ( $self, $url, $btn, $mod ) = @_;
if ( Prima::Application-> get_system_info-> {apc} == apc::Win32) {
} elsif ( $^O eq 'darwin') {
return !system( open => $url );
} else {
my $pg;
CMD: for my $cmd ( qw(xdg-open x-www-browser www-browser firefox mozilla sensible-browser netscape)) {
for ( split /:/, $ENV{PATH} ) {
$pg = "$_/$cmd", last CMD if -x "$_/$cmd";
return 0 unless defined $pg && ! system( "$pg $url &");
return 1;
sub on_link
my ( $self, $owner, $url, $btn, $mod ) = @_;
return unless $owner->notify(q(Link), $self, $url, $btn, $mod);
return 0 if $btn != mb::Left;
if ( $url =~ m[^pod://(.*)] ) {
my $link = $1;
# if it is a path or module?
if ( $link !~ /::/ && $link =~ m/^(.*?)\/([^\/]*)$/) {
$link = "file://$1|$2";
$self->open_podview($link, $btn, $mod);
} elsif ( $url =~ m[^(ftp|https?)://]) {
$self->open_browser($url, $btn, $mod);
} elsif ( $url =~ m[^tip://]) {
# nothing
sub on_linkpreview
my ( $self, $owner, $url ) = @_;
return unless $owner->notify(q(LinkPreview), $self, $url);
if ( $$url =~ m[^(pod|tip)://(.*)] ) {
$$url = undef;
require Prima::PodView;
my ($tip, $link) = ($1 eq 'tip', $2);
my $topicView = ($link =~ m[/]) ? 1 : 0;
# if it is a path or module?
if ( $link !~ /::/ && $link =~ m/^(.*?)\/([^\/]*)$/) {
$link = "file://$1|$2";
my $pod = Prima::Drawable::Pod->new;
return unless $pod->load_link($link, create_index => 0);
my @sz = Prima::HintWidget-> max_extents;
my $x = $::application;
if ( my $polyblock = $pod->export_blocks(
canvas => $x,
width => $sz[0],
max_height => $sz[1],
trim_footer => 1,
trim_header => $topicView || $tip,
)) {
$$url = $polyblock;
} elsif ( $url =~ m[^(ftp|https?)://]) {
# same
sub on_mousedown
my ( $self, $owner, $btn, $mod, $x, $y) = @_;
my $r = $self-> contains( $x, $y);
return 1 if $r < 0;
$r = $self-> {rectangles}-> [$r];
$r = $self-> {references}-> [$$r[4]];
$self->on_link( $owner, $r, $btn, $mod);
return 0;
sub on_mousemove
my ( $self, $owner, $mod, $x, $y) = @_;
my $r = $self-> contains( $x, $y);
$self->{owner_pointer} //= $owner->pointer;
$r = $self->rectangles->[$r]->[4] if $r >= 0;
return if $r == $self-> {last_link_pointer}->[0];
my $url = ($r >= 0) ? $self->references->[$r] : '';
my $new_ptr = ($r >= 0) ? (($url =~ /^tip:/ ? cr::QuestionArrow : cr::Hand)) : cr::Default;
my $old_ptr = $self->{last_link_pointer}->[1];
if ( $new_ptr != $old_ptr ) {
$owner-> pointer(( $new_ptr == cr::Default) ? $self->{owner_pointer} : $new_ptr);
delete $self->{owner_pointer} if $new_ptr == cr::Default;
my $rr = $self->rectangles;
my $or = $self->{last_link_pointer}->[0];
$self-> {last_link_pointer} = [$r, $new_ptr];
my @around = (-1,-1,-1,-1);
for my $rc (
($or < 0) ? () : $self->id2rectangles( $or ),
($r < 0) ? () : $self->id2rectangles( $r ),
) {
my @rc = @$rc;
$owner-> notify(qw(LinkAdjustRect), $self, \@rc);
$owner-> invalidate_rect(@rc[0..3]);
@around = $owner->client_to_screen(@rc[0..3])
if $rc[0] <= $x && $rc[1] <= $y && $rc[2] > $x && $rc[3] > $y;
if ( $r >= 0 ) {
my $hint = $self-> {references}-> [$r];
$self-> on_linkpreview( $owner, \$hint);
goto NO_HINT unless length($hint // '');
$owner->hint( $hint );
$::application->set_hint_action($owner, 1, 1, @around);
} else {
sub on_paint
my ( $self, $owner, $canvas ) = @_;
return if $self->{last_link_pointer} < 0;
$canvas->graphic_context( sub {
$canvas-> rop2(rop::NoOper);
$canvas-> color( $self->color );
$canvas-> antialias(0);
$canvas-> lineWidth(1);
$canvas-> translate(0,0);
my $tip = ($self->references->[$self->{last_link_pointer}->[0]] // '') =~ /^tip:/;
$canvas-> linePattern($tip ? lp::ShortDash : lp::Solid);
for my $rc ( $self->id2rectangles( $self->{last_link_pointer}->[0] )) {
my @rc = @$rc;
$owner-> notify(qw(LinkAdjustRect), $self, \@rc);
$rc[4] = $rc[1] < $rc[3] ? $rc[1] : $rc[3];
$canvas-> line( @rc[0,4,2,4]);
sub clear_positions { shift->{rectangles} = [] }
sub add_positions_from_blocks
my ( $self, $linkId, $blocks, %defaults ) = @_;
my $linkState = 0;
my $linkStart = 0;
my @rect;
my $rects = $self->{rectangles};
$linkId //= 0;
for my $b ( @$blocks ) {
my @pos = ( $$b[tb::BLK_X], 0 );
if ( $linkState) {
$rect[0] = $$b[ tb::BLK_X];
$rect[1] = $$b[ tb::BLK_Y];
tb::walk( $b, %defaults,
position => \@pos,
trace => tb::TRACE_POSITION,
link => sub {
if ( $linkState = shift ) {
$rect[0] = $pos[0];
$rect[1] = $$b[ tb::BLK_Y];
} else {
$rect[2] = $pos[0];
$rect[3] = $$b[ tb::BLK_Y] + $$b[ tb::BLK_HEIGHT];
push @$rects, [@rect, $linkId++];
if ( $linkState) {
$rect[2] = $pos[0];
$rect[3] = $$b[ tb::BLK_Y] + $$b[ tb::BLK_HEIGHT];
push @$rects, [@rect, $linkId];
return $linkId;
sub reset_positions_markup
my ($self, $blocks, %defaults) = @_;
$self->add_positions_from_blocks(undef, [map { $_->text_block } @$blocks ], %defaults);
=head1 NAME
Prima::Widget::Link - routines for interactive links
The class can be used in widgets that need to feature I<links>, i e highlighted
rectangles, usually with a line of text. When the user moves the mouse or clicks on
a link, depending on the link type, various actions can be executed. A
"tooltip" link can display a hint with (rich) text, and a "hyperlink" link can
open a browser or a pod viewer. The programmer can also customize these
use Prima qw(Label Application);
my $main_window = Prima::MainWindow->new( size => [400, 100] );
$main_window->insert( Label =>
centered => 1,
text => \ "L<tip://$0/ttt|tip>, L<pod://Prima/|podviewer>, L<|browser>, L<id|custom>",
onLink => sub { print "$_[2]\n" },
=head1 ttt
this is a tooltip
=for podview <img src="data:base64">
=for podview <img src="link.gif">
=head1 Link types
Link types can be set with the I<url> syntax. Four recognized link
types behave differently
=head2 Tooltips
These are not links in the strict sense, as clicking on them doesn't
cause any action, however when the user hovers the mouse over a tooltip, the module
loads the pod content from the URL and displays it as a hint.
The idea behind this feature is to collect all tooltip cards in a pod section and reference them
in the text like in the example code in L<SYNOPSIS> above.
Syntax: C<< LE<lt>tip://FILEPATH_OR_MODULE/SECTIONE<gt> >> or
C<< LE<lt>tip://FILEPATH_OR_MODULEE<gt> >> where C<FILEPATH_OR_MODULE> can refer either to
a file (path with slashes/backslashes) or a perl module (with C<::>s ).
The tooltip text, when selected, is underscored by a dashed line, vs all other link types that
use a solid line.
=head2 Pod sections
These links display a pod section preview like the tooltip but also open a pod viewer
with the referred section when clicked on.
Syntax: C<< LE<lt>pod://FILEPATH_OR_MODULE/SECTIONE<gt> >> or
C<< LE<lt>pod://FILEPATH_OR_MODULEE<gt> >> where C<FILEPATH_OR_MODULE> can refer either to
a file (path with slashes/backslashes) or a perl module (with C<::>s ).
=head2 Hyperlinks
Links with schemes C<ftp://>, C<http://>, and C<https://> open a browser when clicked on.
=head2 Custom links
All other URLs, not matched by either scheme above, are expected to be handled
programmatically. The preview, if any, should be handled by the C<LinkPreview>
event, and the mouse click by the C<Link> event.
See L<Events> below.
=head1 Usage
Since C<Prima::Widget::Link> is not a widget by itself but a collection of routines in a class,
an object of such class should be instantiated programmatically and attached to an I<owner> widget
that needs to display links.
The owner widget needs to call the mouse and paint methods from inside its
C<on_mousedown> etc relevant events. The owner widget class might also want to
overload link events, see below how.
=head1 Markup
L<Prima::Drawable::Markup> understands the C<< LE<lt>..|..E<gt> >> command,
which, unlike perlpod, is formatted with its arguments reversed, to stay
consistent with the other markup commands
(i e it is C<< LE<lt>|searchE<gt> >>,
not C<< LE<lt>search|http://google.comE<gt> >> .
The simple way to incorporate rich text in both the widget and link handler is to
use C<Prima::Drawable::Markup> to handle the markup parsing and use the
resulting object from the same class both for widget drawing and for the link
reactions. One just needs to add C< markup => $markup_object > to C<
Prima::Widget::Link->new() >.
=head1 API
=head2 Properties
=item rectangles
Contains an array of rectangles in arbitrary coordinates that could be used to map screen coordinates to a URL.
Filled automatically.
=item references
An array of URLs
=head2 Methods
=item add_positions_from_blocks LINK_ID, BLOCKS, %DEFAULTS
Used when the link object is not bound to any markup object but recalculation
of the visual rectangle that the link occupies is needed due to change in
formatting, f ex after a change in widget size, font size, etc. C<%DEFAULTS> is
sent internally to C<tb::block_walk> which may need eventual default parameters.
Scans BLOCKS and add monotonically increasing LINK_ID to new
link rectangles. Return new LINK_ID.
=item clear_positions
Clears the content of C<rectangles>
=item id2rectangles ID
Returns rectangles mapped to a link ID. There can be more than 1 rectangle bound
to a single link ID since link text could be f ex wrapped.
=item open_podview URL
Opens a pod viewer with the URL
=item open_browser URL
Opens a web browser with the URL
=item reset_positions_markup BLOCKS, %DEFAULTS
Used when the link object is bound to a markup object and recalculation of the
visual rectangle that the link occupies is needed due to change in formatting,
f ex after a change in widget size, font size, etc. C<%DEFAULTS> is sent
internally to C<tb::block_walk> which may need eventual default parameters.
=head2 Events
All events are sent to the owner, not to the link object itself, however, the
C<SELF> parameter which contains the link object is always the first parameter
Sent to the owner, if any, from within the C<on_mousedown> event to indicate that
the link was pressed on.
=item LinkPreview SELF, URL_REF
Sent to the owner, if any, from within the C<on_mousemove> event. The owner
may want to fill URL_REF with (rich) text that will be displayed as a link
=item LinkAdjustRect SELF, RECT_REF
Since the owner may implement a scrollable view or any other view that has a
coordinate system that is not necessarily consistent with the rectangles stored in
the link object, this event will be called when a link rectangle needs to be
mapped to the owner coordinates.
=head1 AUTHOR
Dmitry Karasik, E<lt><gt>.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Prima>, L<Prima::Drawable::Markup>, L<Prima::Label>, L<Prima::Drawable::Pod>