Prima::DetailedOutline - multi-column outline viewer with controlling header widget.


  use Prima qw(DetailedOutline Application);

  my $l = Prima::DetailedOutline->new(
        columns => 2,
        headers => [ 'Column 1', 'Column 2' ],
	size    => [200, 100],
        items => [
              [ ['Item 1, Col 1', 'Item 1, Col 2'], [
                    [ ['Item 1-1, Col 1', 'Item 1-1, Col 2'] ],
                    [ ['Item 1-2, Col 1', 'Item 1-2, Col 2'], [
                          [ ['Item 1-2-1, Col 1', 'Item 1-2-1, Col 2'] ],
                    ] ],
              ] ],
              [ ['Item 2, Col 1', 'Item 2, Col 2'], [
                    [ ['Item 2-1, Col 1', 'Item 2-1, Col 2'] ],
              ] ],
  $l-> sort(1);

my $l = Prima::DetailedOutline->new(
   style => 'triangle',


Prima::DetailedOutline combines the functionality of Prima::OutlineViewer and Prima::DetailedList.


This class inherits all the properties, methods, and events of Prima::OutlineViewer (primary ancestor) and Prima::DetailedList (secondary ancestor). One new property autoRecalc is introduced, and the items property is different enough to warrant the mention.


items ARRAY

Each item is represented by an arrayref with either one or two elements. The first element is the item data, an arrayref of text strings to display. The second element, if present, is an arrayref of children.

When using the node functionality inherited from Prima::OutlineViewer, the item data (that is, the arrayref of text strings) is the first element of the node.

autoRecalc BOOLEAN

If this is set to a true value, the column widths will be automatically recalculated (via autowidths) whenever a node is expanded or collapsed.


Copyright 2003 Teo Sankaro

This program is distributed under the BSD License. (Although a credit would be nice.)


Teo Sankaro, <>.


Prima, Prima::Outlines, Prima::DetailedList