XML::MyXML - A simple XML module


Version 0.091


use XML::MyXML qw(tidy_xml xml_to_object);

my $xml = "<item><name>Table</name><price><usd>10.00</usd><eur>8.50</eur></price></item>";
print tidy_xml($xml);

my $obj = xml_to_object($xml);
print "Price in Euros = " . $obj->path('price/eur')->value;

$obj->simplify is hashref { item => { name => 'Table', price => { usd => '10.00', eur => '8.50' } } }
$obj->simplify({ internal => 1 }) is hashref { name => 'Table', price => { usd => '10.00', eur => '8.50' } }


tidy_xml, xml_to_object, object_to_xml, simple_to_xml, xml_to_simple, check_xml



Returns the XML string in a tidy format (with tabs & newlines)


Creates an 'XML::MyXML::Object' object from the raw XML provided

If called with the file flag (like this: xml_to_object($filename, { file => 1 })), then the function's first parameter, instead of being an XML string, should be the path to a file that contains the XML document.


Creates an XML string from the 'XML::MyXML::Object' object provided


Produces a raw XML string from either an array reference, a hash reference or a mixed structure such as these examples:

{ thing => { name => 'John', location => { city => 'New York', country => 'U.S.A.' } } }
[ thing => [ name => 'John', location => [ city => 'New York', country => 'U.S.A.' ] ] ]
{ thing => { name => 'John', location => [ city => 'New York', city => 'Boston', country => 'U.S.A.' ] } }


Produces a very simple hash object from the raw XML string provided. An example hash object created thusly is this: { thing => { name => 'John', location => { city => 'New York', country => 'U.S.A.' } } }

Since the object created is a hashref, duplicate keys will be discarded. WARNING: This function only works on very simple XML strings, i.e. children of an element may not consist of both text and elements (child elements will be discarded in that case)

You can use flags like this: &xml_to_simple($raw_xml, {strip => 1, internal => 1, ...}).

If called with the 'internal' flag, then the hashref returned will be the first value of the hashref that would otherwise be returned, i.e. a hashref created only by the contents of the top element in the XML and which doesn't contain information about the top-level tag (See "SYNOPSIS" section for an example)

If called with the 'strip' flag, then all text contents will be stripped of possible beginning and/or ending whitespace.

If called with the 'file' flag, then the function's first parameter, instead of being an XML string, should be the path to a file that holds the XML document.


Returns 1 if the $raw_xml string is valid XML (valid enough to be used by this module), and 0 otherwise



Returns the element specified by the path as an XML::MyXML::Object object. When there are more than one tags with the specified name in the last step of the path, it will return all of them as an array.


When the element represented by the $obj object has only text contents, returns those contents as a string. If the $obj element has no contents, value will return an empty string.

Can be used with the 'strip' flag (as in: $obj->value({ strip => 1 })) to strip possible whitespace in the beginning and end of the value.


Returns the value of the 'attrname' attribute of top element. Returns undef if attribute does not exist.


Returns the tag of the $obj element (after stripping it from namespaces). E.g. if $obj represents an <rss:item> element, $obj->tag will just return 'item'. Returns undef if $obj doesn't represent a tag.


Returns a very simple hashref, like the one returned with &XML::MyXML::xml_to_simple. Same restrictions and warnings apply. May be called with the 'internal' and/or 'strip' flags (for more on these flags, see this documentation on the 'xml_to_simple' function)


Returns the XML string of the object, just like calling &object_to_xml( $obj )


Returns the XML string of the object in tidy form, just like calling &tidy_xml( &object_to_xml( $obj ) )


Alexander Karelas, <karjala at>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-xml-myxml at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc XML::MyXML

You can also look for information at:



Copyright 2006 Alexander Karelas, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.