CatalystX::CRUD::Model::Utils - helpful methods for your CRUD Model class


package MyApp::Model::Foo;
use base qw( 
# ... 


CatalystX::CRUD::Model::Utils provides helpful not non-essential methods for CRUD Model implementations. Stick it in your @ISA to help reduce the amount of code you have to write yourself.


use_ilike( boolean )

Convenience accessor to flag requests in params_to_sql_query() to use ILIKE instead of LIKE SQL command.

ne_sign( string )

What string to use for 'not equal' in params_to_sql_query(). Defaults to '!='.

make_sql_query( [ field_names ] )

Returns a hashref suitable for passing to a SQL-oriented model.

field_names should be an array of valid form field names. If false or missing, will call $c->controller->field_names().

The following reserved request param names are implemented:


Sort order. Should be a SQL-friendly string parse-able by Sort::SQL.


Instead of _order, can pass one column name to sort by.


With _sort, pass the direction in which to sort.


For the Data::Pageset pager object. Defaults to page_size(). An upper limit of 200 is implemented by default to reduce the risk of a user [unwittingly] creating a denial of service situation.


What page the current request is coming from. Used to set the offset value in the query. Defaults to 1.


Pass explicit row to offset from in query. If not present, deduced from _page and _page_size.


Ignore _page_size, _page and _offset and do not return a limit or offset value.

sql_query_as_string( params_to_sql_query->{query} )

Returns the request params as a SQL WHERE string.

params_to_sql_query( field_names )

Convert request->params into a SQL-oriented query.

Returns a hashref with two key/value pairs:


Arrayref of ORM-friendly SQL constructs.


Hashref of column_name => raw_values_as_arrayref.

Called internally by make_sql_query().


Peter Karman, <perl at>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-catalystx-crud at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc CatalystX::CRUD

You can also look for information at:


Copyright 2007 Peter Karman, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.