CatalystX::CRUD::REST - REST-style controller for CRUD
# create a controller
package MyApp::Controller::Foo;
use strict;
use base qw( CatalystX::CRUD::REST );
form_class => 'MyForm::Foo',
init_form => 'init_with_foo',
init_object => 'foo_from_form',
default_template => 'path/to/foo/',
model_name => 'Foo',
primary_key => 'id',
view_on_single_result => 0,
page_size => 50,
# now you can manage Foo objects using your MyForm::Foo form class
# with URIs at:
# foo/<pk>
# and use the HTTP method name to indicate the appropriate action.
# POST /foo -> create new record
# GET /foo -> list all records
# PUT /foo/<pk> -> update record
# DELETE /foo/<pk> -> delete record
# GET /foo/<pk> -> view record
# GET /foo/<pk>/edit_form -> edit record form
# GET /foo/create_form -> create record form
CatalystX::CRUD::REST is a subclass of CatalystX::CRUD::Controller. Instead of calling RPC-style URIs, the REST API uses the HTTP method name to indicate the action to be taken.
See CatalystX::CRUD::Controller for more details on configuration.
The REST API is designed with identical configuration options as the RPC-style Controller API, so that you can simply change your @ISA chain and enable REST features for your application.
Acts just like edit() in base Controller class, but with a RESTful name.
Acts just like create() in base Controller class, but with a RESTful name.
Attribute: Private
Calls the appropriate method based on the HTTP method name.
req_method( context )
Internal method. Returns the HTTP method name, allowing POST to serve as a tunnel when the _http_method
param is present. Since most browsers do not support PUT or DELETE HTTP methods, you can use the _http_method
param to indicate the desired HTTP method and then POST instead.
edit( context )
Overrides base method to disable chaining.
view( context )
Overrides base method to disable chaining.
save( context )
Overrides base method to disable chaining.
rm( context )
Overrides base method to disable chaining.
fetch( context, pk )
Overrides base method to disable chaining.
edit() and create() are aliased to edit_form() and create_form().
Peter Karman, <perl at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-catalystx-crud at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc CatalystX::CRUD
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Copyright 2008 Peter Karman, all rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.