CatalystX::CRUD::ModelAdapter - make CRUD Controllers work with non-CRUD models
package My::ModelAdapter::Foo;
use base qw( CatalystX::CRUD::ModelAdapter );
# must implement the following methods
sub new_object { }
sub fetch { }
sub search { }
sub iterator { }
sub count { }
sub make_query { }
# then in your CX::CRUD::Controller subclass
package MyApp::Controller::CRUD;
use base qw( CatalystX::CRUD::Controller );
'model_adapter' => 'My::ModelAdapter::Foo'
CatalystX::CRUD::ModelAdapter allows you to use existing, non-CRUD Models with the CatalystX::CRUD::Controller API. The ModelAdapter class implements a similar API to the CX::CRUD::Model, but does not inherit from Catalyst::Model and should not sit in the ::Model namespace.
If a 'model_adapter' config value is present in a CX::CRUD::Controller subclass, the ModelAdapter instance will be called instead of the 'model_name' instance. The model_name accessor is available on the ModelAdapter instance and is set automatically at instantiation time by the calling Controller.
This documentation is intended for ModelAdapter developers.
You may configure your CXCM-derived Models in the usual way (see the Catalyst Manual).
CatalystX::CRUD::ModelAdapter inherits from CatalystX::CRUD.
The following methods should be implemented in your subclass.
new_object( context )
Should return a new instance from the Model you are adapting.
fetch( context, args )
Should return an instance of the Model you are adapting, based on args.
search( context, args )
Should return an arrayref of instances of the Model you are adapting, based on args.
iterator( context, args )
Should return an iterator of instances of the Model you are adapting, based on args.
count( context, args )
Should return an integer representing the numbef of matching instances of the Model you are adapting, based on args.
make_query( context )
Should return appropriate values for passing to search(), iterator() and count(). See CataystX::CRUD::Model for examples.
CRUD Methods
The following methods are implemented in CatalystX::CRUD::Object when using the CatalystX::CRUD::Model API. When using the ModelAdapter API, they should be implemented in the adapter class.
create( context, object )
Should implement the C in CRUD.
read( context, object )
Should implement the R in CRUD.
update( context, object )
Should implement the U in CRUD.
delete( context, object )
Should implement the D in CRUD.
Peter Karman, <perl at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-catalystx-crud at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc CatalystX::CRUD
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Copyright 2008 Peter Karman, all rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.