CatalystX::CRUD::Model::Utils - helpful methods for your CRUD Model class
package MyApp::Model::Foo;
use base qw(
# ...
CatalystX::CRUD::Model::Utils provides helpful, non-essential methods for CRUD Model implementations. Stick it in your @ISA to help reduce the amount of code you have to write yourself.
use_ilike( boolean )
Convenience accessor to flag requests in params_to_sql_query() to use ILIKE instead of LIKE SQL command.
ne_sign( string )
What string to use for 'not equal' in params_to_sql_query(). Defaults to '!='.
Should return a hashref of column names to treat as integers instead of text strings when parsing wildcard request params. Example might be all date/timestamp columns.
make_sql_query( [ field_names ] )
Returns a hashref suitable for passing to a SQL-oriented model.
field_names should be an array of valid column names. If false or missing, will call $c->controller->field_names().
The following reserved request param names are implemented:
- cxc-order
Sort order. Should be a SQL-friendly string parse-able by Sort::SQL.
- cxc-sort
Instead of cxc-order, can pass one column name to sort by.
- cxc-dir
With cxc-sort, pass the direction in which to sort.
- cxc-page_size
For the Data::Pageset pager object. Defaults to page_size(). An upper limit of 200 is implemented by default to reduce the risk of a user [unwittingly] creating a denial of service situation.
- cxc-page
What page the current request is coming from. Used to set the offset value in the query. Defaults to
. - cxc-offset
Pass explicit row to offset from in query. If not present, deduced from cxc-page and cxc-page_size.
- cxc-no_page
Ignore cxc-page_size, cxc-page and cxc-offset and do not return a limit or offset value.
- cxc-op
If set to
then the query columns will be marked as OR'd together, rather than AND'd together (the default). - cxc-query
The query string to use. This overrides any param values set for field names.
- cxc-query-fields
Which field names to set as 'default_column' in the Search::QueryParser::SQL parser object. The default is all field_names. NOTE this param is only checked if
has a value. - cxc-fuzzy
If set to a true value triggers the 'fuzzify' feature in Search::QueryParser::SQL.
- cxc-fuzzy2
If set to a true value, overrides cxc-fuzzy and triggers the 'fuzzify2' feature in Search::QueryParser::SQL.
params_to_sql_query( field_names )
Convert request->params into a SQL-oriented query.
Returns a hashref with three key/value pairs:
- sql
Arrayref of ORM-friendly SQL constructs.
- query_hash
Hashref of column_name => raw_values_as_arrayref.
- query
The Search::QueryParser::SQL::Query object used to generate
Called internally by make_sql_query().
make_pager( total )
Returns a Data::Pageset object using total, either the _page_size
param or the value of page_size(), and the _page
param or 1
If the _no_page
request param is true, will return undef. NOTE: Model authors should check (and respect) the _no_page
param when constructing queries.
Peter Karman, <perl at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-catalystx-crud at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc CatalystX::CRUD
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Copyright 2007 Peter Karman, all rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.