CatalystX::CRUD::Controller::REST - Catalyst::Controller::REST with CRUD
package MyApp::Controller::Foo;
use Moose;
use namespace::autoclean;
BEGIN { extends 'CatalystX::CRUD::Controller::REST' }
model_name => 'Foo',
primary_key => 'id',
page_size => 50,
# now you can manage Foo objects with URIs like:
# POST /foo -> create new Foo record
# GET /foo -> list all Foo records
# PUT /foo/<pk> -> create or update Foo record (idempotent)
# DELETE /foo/<pk> -> delete Foo record
# GET /foo/<pk> -> view Foo record
# GET /foo/<pk>/bar -> view Bar object(s) related to Foo
# POST /foo/<pk>/bar -> create Bar object related to Foo
# GET /foo/<pk>/bar/<pk2> -> view Bar with id <pk2> related to Foo with <pk>
# POST /foo/<pk>/bar/<pk2> -> create relationship between Foo <pk> and Bar <pk2>
# DELETE /foo/<pk>/bar/<pk2> -> sever Bar object relationship to Foo
# PUT /foo/<pk>/bar/<pk2> -> create/update Bar object related to Foo (idempotent)
# GET /foo/search -> search for Foo objects
# GET /foo/count -> search for Foo objects, returning count only
Subclass of Catalyst::Controller::REST for use with CatalystX::CRUD.
This module is not to be confused with CatalystX::CRUD::REST. This is not a drop-in replacement for existing CatalystX::CRUD::Controllers.
This module extends Catalyst::Controller::REST to work with the CatalystX::CRUD::Controller API. It is designed for web services, not managing CRUD actions via HTML forms.
This is not a subclass of CatalystX::CRUD::Controller.
Registers URL space for search.
Query the model and return results. See do_search().
Registers URL space for count.
Like search_objects_GET() but does not set result values, only a total count. Useful for AJAX-y types of situations where you want to query for a total number of matches and create a pager but not actually retrieve any data.
Registers URL space for 0 path arguments.
zero_args_GET( ctx )
GET /foo -> list objects of type foo.
Calls do_search().
zero_args_POST( ctx )
POST /foo -> create object of type foo.
Registers URL space for 1 path argument.
one_arg_GET( ctx, pk )
GET /foo/<pk> -> retrieve object for pk.
one_arg_PUT( ctx, pk )
PUT /foo/<pk> -> create or update the object for pk.
This method must be idempotent. POST is not.
one_arg_DELETE( ctx, pk )
DELETE /foo/<pk> -> delete the object for pk.
Registers URL space for 2 path arguments.
two_args_GET( ctx, pk, rel )
GET /foo/<pk>/bar -> a list of objects of type bar related to foo.
two_args_POST( ctx, pk, rel )
POST /foo/<pk>/bar -> create relationship between foo and bar.
TODO This method calls a not-yet-implemented create_related() action in the CXC::Model.
Registers the URL space for 3 path arguments.
three_args_GET( ctx, pk, rel, rel_id )
GET /foo/<pk>/<re>/<pk2>
three_args_DELETE( ctx, pk, rel, rel_pk )
DELETE /foo/<pk>/bar/<pk2> -> sever 'bar' object relationship to 'foo'
three_args_POST( ctx, pk, rel, rel_pk )
POST /foo/<pk>/bar/<pk2> -> create relationship between 'foo' and 'bar'
three_args_PUT( ctx, pk, rel, rel_pk )
PUT /foo/<pk>/bar/<pk2> -> create/update 'bar' object related to 'foo'
save_object( ctx )
Calls can_write(), inflate_object(), precommit(), create_or_update_object() and postcommit().
create_or_update_object( ctx, object )
Calls the update() or create() method on the object (or model_adapter()), picking the method based on whether object_id
in stash() evaluates true (update) or false (create).
delete_object( ctx )
Checks can_write(), precommit(), and if both true, calls the delete() method on the object in the stash().
inflate_object( ctx )
Returns the object from stash() initialized with the request data.
can_read( ctx )
Returns true if the current request is authorized to read() the object
in stash().
Default is true.
can_write( ctx )
Returns true if the current request is authorized to create() or update() the object
in stash().
Default is true.
precommit( ctx, object )
Called by save_object(). If precommit() returns a false value, save_object() is aborted. If precommit() returns a true value, create_or_update_object() gets called.
The default return is true.
postcommit( cxt, obj )
Called internally inside save_object(). Our default just returns true. Override this method to post-process a successful save_object() action.
fetch( ctx, pk )
Determines the correct value and field name for pk and calls the do_model() method for fetch
On success, the object key will be set in stash().
On failure, calls status_not_found() and sets the fetch_failed stash() key.
do_search( ctx, arg )
Prepare and execute a search. Called internally by list() and search().
Results are saved in stash() under the results
If naked_results is true, then results are set just as they are returned from search() or list() (directly from the Model).
If naked_results is false (default), then results is a CatalystX::CRUD::Results object.
do_model( ctx, args )
Wrapper around the ControllerRole method of the same name. The wrapper does an eval and sets the ctx error param with $@.
Peter Karman, <karman at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-catalystx-crud-controller-rest at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc CatalystX::CRUD::Controller::REST
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Copyright 2012 Peter Karman.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.
See for more information.