CatalystX::CRUD::Model::RDBO - Rose::DB::Object CRUD


package MyApp::Model::Foo;
use base qw( CatalystX::CRUD::Model::RDBO );
           name                => 'My::RDBO::Foo', 
           manager             => 'My::RDBO::Foo::Manager',
           load_with           => [qw( bar )],
           related_load_with   => {
               bars => ['doof']
           page_size           => 50,


CatalystX::CRUD::Model::RDBO is a CatalystX::CRUD implementation for Rose::DB::Object.


The config options can be set as in the SYNOPSIS example.



The name of the Rose::DB::Object-based class that the model represents. Accessible via name() or config->{name}.


If manager is not defined in config(), the Xsetup() method will attempt to load a class named with the name value from config() with ::Manager appended. This assumes the namespace convention of Rose::DB::Object::Manager.

If there is no such module in your @INC path, then the fall-back default is Rose::DB::Object::Manager.


The value of load_with should be an array ref of relationship names. The array ref is passed into all the Manager get_objects* methods as the with_objects value.

Similar to load_with, but the with_objects argument is passed in all the *_related methods. The related_load_with value should be a hash ref with keys using relationships names and the values being array refs of relationship names in the foreign (related) classes.


Implements the required Xsetup() method. Instatiates the model's name() and manager() values based on config().

new_object( @param )

Returns a CatalystX::CRUD::Object::RDBO object.

fetch( @params )

If present, @params is passed directly to name()'s new() method, and is expected to be an array of key/value pairs. Then the load() method is called on the resulting object.

If @params are not present, the new() object is simply returned, which is equivalent to calling new_object().

All the methods called within fetch() are wrapped in an eval() and sanity checked afterwards. If there are any errors, throw_error() is called.


my $foo = $c->model('Foo')->fetch( id => 1234 );
if (@{ $c->error })
   # do something to deal with the error

NOTE: If the object's presence in the database is questionable, your controller code may want to use new_object() and then call load_speculative() yourself. Example:

my $foo = $c->model('Foo')->new_object( id => 1234 );
if ($foo->not_found)
  # do something

search( @params )

@params is passed directly to the Manager get_objects() method. See the Rose::DB::Object::Manager documentation.

Returns an array or array ref (based on wantarray) of CatalystX::CRUD::Object::RDBO objects.

count( @params )

@params is passed directly to the Manager get_objects_count() method. See the Rose::DB::Object::Manager documentation.

Returns an integer.

iterator( @params )

@params is passed directly to the Manager get_objects_iterator() method. See the Rose::DB::Object::Manager documentation.

Returns a CatalystX::CRUD::Iterator object whose next() method will return a CatalystX::CRUD::Object::RDBO object.

search_related( obj, relationship )

Implements required method. Returns array or array ref based on calling context, for objects related to obj via relationship. relationship should be a method name callable on obj.

iterator_related( obj, relationship )

Like search_related() but returns an iterator.

count_related( obj, relationship )

Like search_related() but returns an integer.

add_related( obj, rel_name, foreign_value )

Associate foreign object identified by foreign_value with obj via the relationship rel_name.

CAUTION: For many-to-many relationships only.

rm_related( obj, rel_name, foreign_value )

Dissociate foreign object identified by foreign_value from obj via the relationship rel_name.

CAUTION: For many-to-many relationships only.

has_relationship( obj, rel_name )

Returns the Rose::DB::Object::Metadata::Relationship instance for rel_name if it exists, or undef if it does not.

make_query( field_names )

Implement a RDBO-specific query factory based on request parameters. Return value can be passed directly to search(), iterator() or count() as documented in the CatalystX::CRUD::Model API.

See CatalystX::CRUD::Model::Utils::make_sql_query() for API details.


Returns hash ref of all column names that return type =~ m/^date(time)$/. This is so that wildcard searches for date and datetime-based columns will get proper SQL rendering.


Peter Karman, <karman at>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-catalystx-crud-model-rdbo at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc CatalystX::CRUD::Model::RDBO

You can also look for information at:


This module is based on Catalyst::Model::RDBO by the same author.


Copyright 2007 Peter Karman, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.