CatalystX::CRUD::YUI::DataTable - YUI DataTable objects
my $datatable = $yui->datatable(
results => $results, # CX::CRUD::Results or CX::CRUD::Object
controller => $controller,
form => $form,
method_name => $rel_info->{method},
col_names => $form->metadata->field_methods,
$datatable->serialize; # returns serialized results
$datatable->count; # returns number of rows
new( opts )
Create a YUI DataTable object. You usually call this via CatalystX::CRUD::YUI->datatable( opts ).
A DataTable object has the following attributes:
- results
The results object passed in. May be either a CatalystX::CRUD::Results instance or CatalystX::CRUD::Object instance.
If a Results instance, each object in the Results set will be serialized.
If a Object instance, each object returned by method_name will be serialized.
- form
The form object should be an instance of the Form class that corresponds to the data being serialized. In the case where results isa CatalystX::CRUD::Results object, form should be a Form corresponding to the object class in CatalystX::CRUD::Results->results(). In the case where results isa CatalystX::CRUD::Object, form should be a Form corresponding to the foreign object class represented by method_name.
- controller
The controller object should be the governing controller for the objects being serialized, i.e., the controller governing form.
- pk
The primary key of the table that results represents.
- columns
An arrayref of column hashrefs. YUI DataTable API requires these.
- url
The url for fetching JSON results.
A hashref of foreign key information.
- col_filter
An arrayref of column names. # TODO used for??
- col_names
An arrayref of column names. Defaults to form->metadata->field_methods.
- data
An arrayref of hashrefs. These are serialized from results.
- count
The number of items in data.
- counter
User-level accessor. You can get/set this to whatever you want.
NOTE: If you pass a CatalystX::CRUD::Object instance as results to new(), the object must implement a primary_key_uri_escaped() method that conforms to the syntax defined by CatalystX::CRUD::Controller make_primary_key_string(). See Rose::DBx::Object::MoreHelpers for one example.
column( field_name )
Return the column hashref meta for field_name. The hashref has 3 keys: key, label, and sortable.
Returns DataTable as array ref of hash refs, suitable for conversion to JSON or other transport type.
Peter Karman, <>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to
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The Minnesota Supercomputing Institute
sponsored the development of this software.
Copyright 2008 by the Regents of the University of Minnesota. All Rights Reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.