Changes for version 0.002

  • fix CLI child item profile display bug
  • catch/re-throw json encoding errors to generate full stack trace
  • round-trip GET/PUT of a single object now safe
  • make sure get_self_uri check for defined links before treating as a hashref


Net::PMP::CLI application


Perl SDK for the Public Media Platform
authorization token for Net::PMP::Client
command line application for Net::PMP::Client
Perl client for the Public Media Platform
Collection.doc+JSON object for Net::PMP::Client
item from a Net::PMP::CollectionDoc::Items object
items from a Net::PMP::CollectionDoc
link from a Net::PMP::CollectionDoc::Links object
links from a Net::PMP::CollectionDoc
permission link type from a Net::PMP::CollectionDoc::Links object
PMP credentials object
PMP schema object
link from a Net::PMP::CollectionDoc::Links object