Changes for version 0.14

  • fix some memory leaks
  • add 'application/xml' as alternate to text/xml MIME
  • add SWISH::Filter::MIMETypes to avoid some circular references, deprecate parent_filter() method.
  • add Module::Pluggable as a dependency, to handle the *::Filters::* loading.


filter documents for indexing with Swish-e
object model for result of SWISH::Filter
base class for SWISH::Filters
deflate your compressed files for further filtering
Perl extension for filtering MSWord documents with Swish-e
Perl extension for filtering MSWord documents with Swish-e
ID3 tag to HTML filter module
Perl extension for filtering image files with Swish-e
Perl extension for filtering PDF documents with Swish-e
MS Excel to HTML filter module
Perl extension for filtering MS PowerPoint documents with Swish-e
convert PowerPoint docs to text using catppt
convert Excel docs to text using xls2csv


in lib/SWISH/Filter/