SWISH::Prog::Index - handle Swish-e indexing


use SWISH::Prog::Index
my $indexer = SWISH::Prog::Index->new(
               format      => 'native2' || 'btree2' || 'swish3',
               config      => SWISH::Prog::Config->new,
               exe         => 'path/to/swish-e',
               verbose     => 0|1|2|3,
               warnings    => 0|1|2|3,
               name        => 'path/to/myindex'

print "index files: $_" for $indexer->files;

# or from the command line some/path | perl -MSWISH::Prog::Index -e go


SWISH::Prog::Index performs Swish-e indexing. For version 2.x of Swish-e this is simply a convenience wrapper around the swish-e binary executable. See SWISH3 for details about how version 3 will work.



Magic method to run the indexer with all defaults. See SYNOPSIS for an example.

You might object that the perl line is harder to remember than 'swish-e -v0 -W0 -S prog -i stdin' and it takes 0.1 second longer to run.

True enough. But go() was easy to code in two lines, so I did. And it requires one less keystroke. Laziness is a virtue!

Plus, Swish3 will have a native Perl XS API, and this module will support all versions with go(). See ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES for more details.

go() is the only export of this module.



Create indexer object.

[TODO parameters]


Get or set the open() filehandle for the swish-e process. CAUTION: don't set unless you know what you're doing.

You can print() to the filehandle using the SWISH::Prog index() method. Or do it directly like:

print { $indexer->fh } "your headers and body here";

The filehandle is close()'d by the DESTROY magic method in this class. So when $indexer goes undef, the indexing process is closed automatically.


Remove the index (all the associated index files). Useful if creating a temp index for merging, etc.

Returns 0 and carps if there was a problem unlink()ing any file. Returns 1 otherwise.

mv( new_name )

Rename the index. Useful if creating temp indexes, etc.

Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure.


Returns a list of all the associated files for the index.

run( [cmd] )

Start the indexer on its merry way. Stores the filehandle with the fh method for later access via SWISH::Prog or other methods TBD.

Returns the $indexer object.

You likely don't want to pass cmd in but let run() construct it for you.

merge( @list_of_indexes )

merge() will merge @list_of_indexes together with the index named in the calling object.

Returns the $indexer object on success, 0 on failure.

add( swish_prog_doc_object )

add() will merge swish_prog_doc_object with the index named in the calling object. If the existing index uses the btree2 format (incremental mode), that API will be used. Otherwise, swish_prog_doc_object is indexed as a temporary index and then merged.

Returns $indexer object on success, 0 on failure.


If the SWISH3 environment variable is set, SWISH::Prog::Index will load SWISH::Prog::Index::3 and use that interface instead.


Peter Karman, <>


Copyright 2006 by Peter Karman

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.