SWISH::Prog::Aggregator::DBI - index DB records with Swish-e


use SWISH::Prog::Aggregator::DBI;
use Carp;

my $aggregator = SWISH::Prog::Aggregator::DBI->new(
    db => [
        'some_user', 'some_secret_pass',
            RaiseError  => 1,
            HandleError => sub { confess(shift) },
    schema => {
      'moviesIlike' => {
           title       => {type => 'char', bias => 1},
           synopsis    => {type => 'char', bias => 1},
           year        => {type => 'int',  bias => 1},
           director    => {type => 'char', bias => 1},
           producer    => {type => 'char', bias => 1},
           awards      => {type => 'char', bias => 1},
           date        => {type => 'date', bias => 1},
           swishdescription => { synopsis => 1, producer => 1 },
           swishtitle       => 'title',
    alias_columns => 1,
    indexer => SWISH::Prog::Indexer::Native->new



SWISH::Prog::Aggregator::DBI is a SWISH::Prog::Aggregator subclass designed for providing full-text search for databases.


Since SWISH::Prog::Aggregator::DBI inherits from SWISH::Prog::Aggregator, read that documentation first. Any overridden methods are documented here.

new( opts )

Create new aggregator object.

The following opts are required:

db => connect_info

connect_info is passed directly to DBI's connect() method, so see the DBI docs for syntax. If connect_info is a DBI handle object, it is accepted as is. If connect_info is an array ref, it will be dereferenced and passed to connect(). Otherwise it will be passed to connect as is.

schema => db_schema

db_schema is a hashref of table names and column descriptions. Each key should be a table name. Each value should be a hashref of column descriptions, where the key is the column name and the value is a hashref of type and bias. See the SYNOPSIS.

There are two special column names: swishtitle and swishdescription. These are reserved for mapping real column names to Swish-e property names for returning in search results. swishtitle should be the name of a column, and swishdescription should be a hashref of column names to include in the StoreDescription value.

indexer => indexer_obj

A SWISH::Prog::Indexer-derived object.

The following opts are optional:

alias_columns => 0|1

The alias_columns flag indicates whether all columns should be searchable under the default MetaName of swishdefault. The default is 1 (true). This is not the default behaviour of swish-e; this is a feature of SWISH::Prog.

NOTE: The new() method simply inherits from SWISH::Prog::Aggregator, so any params valid for that method are allowed here.


See SWISH::Prog::Class. This method does all the setup.


Create index.

Returns number of rows indexed.


SWISH::Prog, Search::Tools


Peter Karman, <>


Copyright 2008 by Peter Karman

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.