SWISH::Prog::Config - read/write Swish-e config files


use SWISH::Prog::Config;

my $config = SWISH::Prog::Config->new;


The SWISH::Prog::Config class is intended to be accessed via SWISH::Prog new().

See the Swish-e documentation for a list of configuration parameters. Each parameter has an accessor/mutator method as part of the Config object. Some preliminary compatability is offered for Swish::Config with XML format config files.

NOTE: Every config parameter can take either a scalar or an array ref as a value. In addition, you may append config values to any existing values by passing an additional true argument. The return value of any 'get' is always an array ref.


$config->MetaNameAlias( ['foo bar', 'one two', 'red yellow'] );
$config->MetaNameAlias( 'green blue', 1 );
print join("\n", @{ $config->MetaNameAlias }), " \n";
# would print:
# foo bar
# one two
# red yellow
# green blue


NOTE this class inherits from Class::Accessor and not SWISH::Prog::Class.

new( params )

Instatiate a new Config object. Takes a hash of key/value pairs, where each key may be a Swish-e configuration parameter.


my $config = SWISH::Prog::Config->new( DefaultContents => 'HTML*' );

print "DefaultContents is ", $config->DefaultContents, "\n";


Override the Class::Accessor method.


Override the Class::Accessor method.

read2( path/file )

Reads version 2 compatible config file and stores in current object. Returns parsed config file as a hashref or undef on failure to parse.


use SWISH::Prog::Config;
my $config = SWISH::Prog::Config->new();
my $parsed = $config->read2( 'my/file.cfg' );

# should print same thing
print $config->WordCharacters->[0], "\n";
print $parsed->{WordCharacters}, "\n";

write2( path/file )

Writes version 2 compatible config file.

If path/file is omitted, a temp file will be written using File::Temp.

Returns full path to file.

Full path is also available via file() method.


Returns name of the file written by write2().

write3( path/file )

Write config object to file in SWISH::3::Config XML format.


Returns current Config object as a hash ref.


Returns object as version 2 formatted scalar.

This method is used to overload the object for printing, so these are equivalent:

print $config->stringify;
print $config;

ver2_to_ver3( file )

Utility method for converting Swish-e version 2 style config files to SWISH::3::Config XML style.

Converts file to XML format and returns as XML string.

NOTE: This API is liable to change as SWISH::Config is developed.

my $xmlconf = $config->ver2_to_ver3( 'my/file.config' );

If file is omitted, uses the current values in the calling object.


IgnoreTotalWordCountWhenRanking defaults to 0 which is not the default in Swish-e. This is to make the RankScheme feature work by default. Really, the default should be 0 in Swish-e itself.


SWISH::Prog, SWISH::Parser


Peter Karman, <>


Copyright 2006 by Peter Karman

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.