Search::OpenSearch::Engine - abstract base class
use Search::OpenSearch::Engine;
my $engine = Search::OpenSearch::Engine->new(
index => [qw( path/to/index1 path/to/index2 )],
facets => {
names => [qw( color size flavor )],
sample_size => 10_000,
fields => [qw( color size flavor )], # result attributes in response
indexer_config => {
somekey => somevalue,
searcher_config => {
anotherkey => anothervalue,
suggester_config => {
akey => avalue,
cache_ok => 1,
cache => CHI->new(
driver => 'File',
dir_create_mode => 0770,
file_create_mode => 0660,
root_dir => "/tmp/opensearch_cache",
cache_ttl => 3600,
do_not_hilite => { color => 1 },
snipper_config => { as_sentences => 1 }, # see Search::Tools::Snipper
hiliter_config => { class => 'h', tag => 'b' }, # see Search::Tools::HiLiter
parser_config => {}, # see Search::Query::Parser
my $response = $engine->search(
q => 'quick brown fox', # query
s => 'score desc', # sort order
o => 0, # offset
p => 25, # page size
h => 1, # highlight query terms in results
c => 0, # count total only (same as f=0 r=0)
L => 'field|low|high', # limit results to inclusive range
f => 1, # include facets
r => 1, # include results
t => 'XML', # or JSON
u => '',
b => 'AND', # or OR
x => [qw( foo bar )], # return only a subset of fields
print $response;
Search::OpenSearch::Engine is an abstract base class. It defines some sane method behavior based on the SWISH::Prog::Searcher API.
This class is a subclass of Rose::ObjectX::CAF. Only new or overridden methods are documented here.
Returns the $VERSION for the Engine.
Sets up the new object.
Subclasses must implement this method. If the Searcher object acts like a SWISH::Prog::Searcher, then search() will Just Work. Otherwise, your Engine subclass should likely override search() as well.
Subclasses may implement this method. It should return an object that acts like LucyX::Suggester: it should have a method called suggest() which expects a query string and returns an array ref of strings which will be included in the Response under the suggestions key.
search( args )
Returns a Search::OpenSearch::Response object based on the format specified in args.
set_limit( args )
Called internally by search(). The args will be three key/value pairs, with keys "field," "low", and "high".
Get/set a Search::OpenSearch::Facets object.
Get/set the location of the inverted indexes to be searched. The value is intented to be used in init_searcher().
The value returned by init_searcher().
The value returned by init_suggester().
Get/set the arrayref of field names to be fetched for each search result.
Should return a unique identifier for your Engine subclass. Default is to croak().
The base URI for Responses. Passed to Response->link.
get_facets_cache_key( query, search_args )
Returns a string used to key the facets cache. Override this method in a subclass to implement more nuanced string construction.
get_facets( query, results )
Checks the cache for facets related to query and, if found, returns them. If not found, calls build_facets(), which must be implemented by each Engine subclass.
build_facets( query, results )
Default will croak. Engine subclasses must implement this method to provide Facet support.
build_results( results )
results should be an iterator like SWISH::Prog::Results.
Returns an array ref of hash refs, each corresponding to a single search result.
process_result( hash_of_args )
Called by build_results for each result object. hash_of_args is a list of key/value pairs that includes:
- result
The values returned from results->next.
- hiliter
A Search::Tools::HiLiter object.
- snipper
A Search::Tools::Snipper object.
- XMLer
A Search::Tools::XML object.
- fields
Array ref of fields defined in the new() constructor.
Returns a hash ref, where each key is a field name.
If set to 0
, no internal cache object will be created for you. You can still set one in the cache param, but the automatic creation is turned off.
Get/set the internal CHI object. Defaults to the File driver. Typically passed as param in new().
The string used in get_facets_cache_key() to construct the key for caching facets. You can set in new() with 'cache_key_seed' or override in a base class.
Get/set the cache key time-to-live. Default is 1 hour. Typically passed as param in new().
Get/set the hash ref of field names that should not be hilited in a Response. Typically passed as param in new().
Get/set the hash ref of Search::Tools::Snipper->new params. Typically passed as param in new().
Get/set the hash ref of Search::Tools::HiLiter->new params. Typically passed as param in new().
Get/set the hash ref of Search::Tools::QueryParser->new params. Typically passed as param in new().
Get/set the hash ref available to subclasses that implement a REST API. Typically passed as param in new().
Get/set the hash ref available to subclasses in init_searcher(). Typically passed as param in new().
Get/set the hash ref available to subclasses that implement init_suggester(). Typically passed as param in new().
no_hiliting( field_name )
By default, looks up field_name in the do_no_hilite() hash, but you can override this method to implement whatever logic you want.
logger( logger_object )
Get/set an optional logging object, which must implement a method called log and expect a single string.
has_rest_api( 0|1 )
Override this method in a subclass in order to indicate support for more than just searching an index. Examples include support for DELETE, PUT, POST and GET HTTP methods on particular documents in the index.
Default is false.
Override this method in a subclass in order to indicate the supported HTTP methods. Assumes has_rest_api() is true.
Get/set the debug flag for messaging on stderr.
Returns default response format. Defaults to 'XML'.
Get/set the error value for the Engine.
Return all non-default field values as array refs rather than strings. This supports the multi-value \003 separator used by SWISH::3.
The version string to include in Response. Defaults to version().
Peter Karman, <karman at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-search-opensearch at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Search::OpenSearch
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Copyright 2010 Peter Karman.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.
See for more information.