Search::OpenSearch::Response - provide search results in OpenSearch format
use Search::OpenSearch;
my $engine = Search::OpenSearch->engine(
type => 'KSx',
index => [qw( path/to/index1 path/to/index2 )],
facets => {
names => [qw( color size flavor )],
sample_size => 10_000,
fields => [qw( color size flavor )],
my $response = $engine->search(
q => 'quick brown fox', # query
s => 'score desc', # sort order
o => 0, # offset
p => 25, # page size
h => 1, # highlight query terms in results
c => 0, # return count stats only (no results)
L => 'field|low|high', # limit results to inclusive range
f => 1, # include facets
r => 1, # include results
format => 'XML', # or JSON
b => 'AND', # or OR
print $response;
Search::OpenSearch::Response is an abstract base class with some common methods for all Response subclasses.
This class is a subclass of Rose::ObjectX::CAF. Only new or overridden methods are documented here.
Returns the package var $VERSION string by default.
Sets some defaults for a new Response.
The following standard get/set attribute methods are available:
- debug
- results
An interator object behaving like SWISH::Prog::Results.
- total
- offset
- page_size
- fields
- facets
- query
- parsed_query
As returned by Search::Query.
- json_query
Same as parsed_query, but the object tree is JSON encoded instead of stringified.
- pps
Pages-per-section. Used by Data::Pageset. Default is "10".
- title
- link
- search_time
- build_time
- engine
- sort_info
- version
- suggestions
Returns Data::Pageset object based on offset() and page_size().
Returns the Response object as a hash ref of key/value pairs.
Returns the Response in the chosen serialization format.
Response objects are overloaded to call stringify().
add_attribute( attribute_name )
Adds get/set method attribute_name to the class and will include that attribute in as_hash(). This method is intended to make it easier to extend the basic structure without needing to subclass.
Returns array ref of default result field names. These are implemented by the default Engine class.
Get/set error value for the Response. This value is not included in the stringify() output, but can be used to set or check for errors in processing.
Peter Karman, <karman at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-search-opensearch at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Search::OpenSearch::Response
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Copyright 2010 Peter Karman.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.
See for more information.