Changes for version 0.400

  • official Moose release

Changes for version 0.399_05

  • refactor Types library to follow Type::Tiny::Manual::Libraries style

Changes for version 0.399_04

  • fix bug in Response->facets type declaration (HashRef not ArrayRef)

Changes for version 0.399_03

  • add missing indexer() attribute
  • add missing init_link method

Changes for version 0.399_02

  • make attributes with a 'builder' also 'lazy' to resolve load-order problems

Changes for version 0.399_01

  • port to Moose


provide search results in OpenSearch format
abstract base class
represents Facet metadata
provide search results in OpenSearch format
provide search results in JSON format for ExtJS
provide search results in JSON format
provide minimal search results in JSON format
provide search results in XML format
attribute types for Search::OpenSearch