Search::Tools::TokenList - a bunch of tokens from a Tokenizer
use Search::Tools::Tokenizer;
my $tokenizer = Search::Tools::Tokenizer->new();
my $tokens = $tokenizer->tokenize('quick brown red dog');
# use like an iterator
while ( my $token = $tokens->next ) {
# token isa Search::Tools::Token
# iterate the other way
while ( my $token = $tokens->prev ) {
# ...
# fetch a particular token
my $token = $tokens->get_token( $position );
# reset the iterator
# get the current iterator position
my $pos = $tokens->pos;
# set the iterator position
$tokens->set_pos( $pos + 1 );
# how many tokens originally?
my $num = $tokens->num;
# treat like array
push( @{ $tokens->as_array }, $new_token );
# now how many tokens?
my $len = $tokens->len; # $len != $num
# get all the hot tokens
my $heat = $tokens->get_heat;
# get all the matches to the regex in Tokenizer
my $matches = $tokens->get_matches;
# just the number of matches
my $num_matches = $tokens->num_matches;
A TokenList is an object containing Tokens. You may treat it like an iterator or an array, and call methods on it to get/set attributes.
Most of Search::Tools::TokenList is written in C/XS so if you view the source of this class you will not see much code. Look at the source for Tools.xs and search-tools.c if you are interested in the internals, or look at Search::Tools::TokenListPP.
See Search::Tools::TokenListUtils for other methods available on this class.
This class inherits from Search::Tools::Object. Only new or overridden methods are documented here.
Get the next Token.
Get the previous Token.
Get the iterator position.
Set the iterator position.
Same as calling:
The number of Tokens in the internal AV (array).
The number of Tokens initially parsed by the Tokenizer. This is the same value as len() unless you alter the TokenList via as_array().
Returns an array ref to the internal AV (array) of tokens. If you alter the array, it will alter the len() value but not the num() value.
Prints internal XS attributes to stderr.
Returns an array ref to the internal AV (array) of tokens with is_hot() set by the original Tokenizer. This method will return an empty list unless you have passed a heat_seeker to the tokenize() method. See Search::Tools::Tokenizer.
Returns an array ref of all the Tokens with is_match() set. The array is constructed at the time you call the method so if you alter the array it will not affect the TokenList object, but if you alter a Token in the array it will affect the Token in the TokenList object.
Like calling:
my $num = scalar @{ $tokens->matches };
get_token( position )
Returns the Token at position. If position is invalid returns undef.
Peter Karman <>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-search-tools at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Search::Tools
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Copyright 2009 by Peter Karman.
This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.