Plack::Middleware::Session::Simple - Make Session Simple
use Plack::Builder;
use Cache::Memcached::Fast;
my $app = sub {
my $env = shift;
my $counter = $env->{'psgix.session'}->{counter}++;
[200,[], ["counter => $counter"]];
builder {
enable 'Session::Simple',
store => Cache::Memcached::Fast->new({servers=>[..]}),
cookie_name => 'myapp_session';
Plack::Middleware::Session::Simple is a yet another session management module. This middleware has compatibility with Plack::Middleware::Session by supporting psgix.session and psgi.session.options. You can reduce unnecessary accessing to store and Set-Cookie header.
This module uses Cookie to keep session state. does not support URI based session state.
- store
object instance that has get, set, and remove methods.
This is the name of the session key, it defaults to 'simple_session'.
- keep_empty
If disabled, Plack::Middleware::Session::Simple does not output Set-Cookie header and store session until session are used. You can reduce Set-Cookie header and access to session store that is not required. (default: true/enabled)
builder { enable 'Session::Simple', cache => Cache::Memcached::Fast->new({servers=>[..]}), session_key => 'myapp_session', keep_empty => 0; mount '/' => sub { my $env = shift; [200,[], ["ok"]]; }, mount '/login' => sub { my $env = shift; $env->{'psgix.session'}->{user} = 'session user' [200,[], ["login"]]; }, }; my $res = $app->(req_to_psgi(GET "/")); #res does not have Set-Cookie my $res = $app->(req_to_psgi(GET "/login")); #res has Set-Cookie
If you have a plan to use session_id as csrf token, you must not disable keep_empty.
- path
Path of the cookie, this defaults to "/";
- domain
Domain of the cookie, if nothing is supplied then it will not be included in the cookie.
- expires
Cookie's expires date time. several formats are supported. see Cookie::Baker for details. if nothing is supplied then it will not be included in the cookie, which means the session expires per browser session.
- secure
Secure flag for the cookie, if nothing is supplied then it will not be included in the cookie.
- httponly
HttpOnly flag for the cookie, if nothing is supplied then it will not be included in the cookie.
- sid_generator
CodeRef that used to generate unique session ids, by default it uses SHA1
- sid_validator
Regexp that used to validate session id in Cookie
- serializer
serialize,deserialize method. Optional. This is useful with Cache::FastMmap
my $cfm = Cache::FastMmap->new(raw_values => 1); my $decoder = Sereal::Decoder->new(); my $encoder = Sereal::Encoder->new(); builder { enable 'Session::Simple', store => $fm, serializer => [ sub { $encoder->encode($_[0]) }, sub { $decoder->decode($_[0]) } ], $app; };
Copyright (C) Masahiro Nagano.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
Masahiro Nagano <>