Tue Mar 27 02:57:43 CEST 2012
* A meta-attribute 'inverse' to specify that $self->rdf_about should be the
object of a statement, not it's subject.
* A Moose class for all that is known about $self->rdf_about across named
graphs/contexts and with '$self->rdf_about' as subject or object
Fri Feb 24 15:10:35 CET 2012
* Just found out toby has written a small schema for perl modules
(Module::Install::DOAP) - really useful. Could be foundation for solving
the inheritance problem, i.e. have MXS RdfImport recognize a special
cpanterms:package_name property and instantiating that instead of the
base class specified in isa
Fri Feb 24 05:30:07 CET 2012
* Detect attributes that contain a model and export the model
On 02/23/2012 07:49 PM, Kjetil Kjernsmo wrote:
> On Friday 10. February 2012 16.37.34 Kjetil Kjernsmo wrote:
>> "what would we do with Moose if
>> we got to hack on it for a few days with cabal members to help us?"
Some ideas off the top of my head:
* How to map Moose TypeConstraints to RDF in a generalized way, i.e.
* how to handle multiple statements with the same predicate
* how to handle type inheritance (e.g. for an attribute that "isa
=>'My::Plugin'" but should be instantiated as My::Plugin::Specialized
depending on some additional data
* how to handle rdf:List/rdf:Seq/rdf:Bag etc.
* mapping to/from MooseX::Type/subtype
* Offering hooks to add application-specific behaviour for Moose<->RDF
mapping, e.g. using MooseX::Role::Parametrized.
* A separate MooseX::Types distribution with ready-to-use RDF::Trine
specific types and coercions
* A role that adds a RDF::Trine::Model to any object, along with some
delegation methods. This can be useful as a general data container, for
storing obsolete statements, contextual information.
* A utility role or maybe a MooseX::Singleton that encapsulates
shortcuts for tedious tasks, at least what RDF::Trine exports (iri,
literal, statement etc.), one or more solutions for Namespaces
Management and other stuff that RDF::TrineShortcuts et. al. offer.
* Integrate with MooseX::Storage?
* By introspecting a RDF schema, MooseX::Semantic powered classes can in
theory be created from scratch or MooseX::Semantic attributes "injected"
into existing Moose classes. While this works, it requires conventions
how to do it in a general way.
* Tools for extracting the schema out of a set of MooseX::Class and
validating it.
* Conventions for exporting any Moose class to RDF, something like
@prefix ns1: <urn:moose:My::Plugin#> .
@prefix moose: <http://moose.perl.org/onto#> .
ns1:name a moose:Attribute ;
moose:isa "Str";
moose:default "ANONYMOUS".
_:inst123 a <urn:moose:My::Plugin> ;
ns1:name "John Doe";
ns1:age 26.
* Porting Class::OWL to Moose
* Two modules MooseX::Semantic::NonMoose,
MooseX::Semantic::NonMooseXSemantic] that make it easy to wrap Non-Moose
or Moose-but-not-MooseX::Semanic classes (a more specialized version of
* A way to query all objects of one or more Moose classes using SPARQL
(some metaclass trickery to track all created objects and convert them
to RDF/query them on the fly)