This class is part of the IPC::Shm implementation. You should probably not be using it directly.
$class->named( $varname )
Attach to a named variable's segment, creating if necessary. The contents of the varname string are just how the variable is typed in perl code.
Create a new anonymous segment.
$class->anonymous( $cookie )
Attach to an existing anonymous segment using a cookie value. Those cookies might be retrieved with the varanon method, or might be stored in a standin. See below.
Returns the variable's name, if any.
$this->varname( $varname );
Sets the variable's name.
Returns the anonymous variable identifier cookie, if any.
$this->varanon( $cookie )
Sets the anonymous variable identifier cookie.
Returns 'HASH', 'ARRAY', or 'SCALAR'.
$this->vartype( $vartype )
Stores the variable type. Only meaningful for anonymous segments.
Retrieves a human-redable string identifying the variable.
Called by IPC::Shm::Simple when the last in-process instance is being DESTROYed.
This is an shared memory analogue of a reference. It is stored in the shared memory variable that holds the reference.
Returns a reference to an anonymous hash containing suitable identifiers.
$class->standin_type( $standin )
Returns the variable type that the standin points to.
$class->standin_shmid( $standin )
Returns the shmid where the standin points to.
$class->standin_restand( $standin )
Returns the original object that generated the standin, or an exactly equal copy of that object.
$class->standin_discard( $standin )
Indicates that the standin reference is going away.