Changes for version 0.35

  • Relicencing under the "Artistic Licence 2.0" Replace XML::Reader::newhd() by XML::Reader::new() Add option {mode => 'attr-bef-start' | 'attr-in-hash' | 'pyx' | 'branches'} as an alternative to the existing {filter => 2|3|4|5} Add an option {sepchar => 'xyz'} to XML::Reader->new For {parse_pi => 1}, fix a bug with $rdr->dec_hash->{standalone} (used to be '1' and '' which is false, 'yes' and 'no' is correct) For {filter => 5}:
    • function rstem() is redundant ==> replace function rstem() by path()
    • fix a bug in functions is_text() / is_value()
    • allow the writing of comments and PI if {branch => '*'} is selected


Lesen von XML-Dateien und Bereitstellung der Pfad information basierend auf einem Pull-Parser.
Lire du XML avec des informations du chemin, conduit par un parseur d'extraction.


Reading XML and providing path information based on a pull-parser.


in lib/XML/