Class::AutoAccess::Deep - automatically creates the accessors reach deep inside the fields =head1 SYNOPSIS

package MyClass;

# inherit Class::AutoAccess::Deep and that's all
use base qw(Class::AutoAccess::Deep);

sub to_check {
    # write your own processing code...

package main;

$data = {
    foo      => undef,
    bar      => {
        baz  => undef,
    to_check => undef,

my $obj = MyClass->new($data);

# now, you can access the fields as described below
$obj->foo('new value');        # set "new value"
my $foo = $obj->foo;           # get "new value"

# you can access the field chain deeply
# by joining field name with '->'
$obj->bar->baz('other value'); # set "other value"
my $bar_baz = $obj->bar->baz;  # get "other value"

# your own method called correctly
my $value = $obj->to_check;


Class::AutoAccess::Deep is the base class for automated accessors implementation. You can access deep inside the fields to call the method named by joining the object field name with '->' operator.

new ( \%fields )

    my $obj = MyClass->new(\%fields);

    Creates and returns new object. It takes a hashref which is used to initialize the object. If you don't like it, override it.


When you attempt to access the undefined field, Class::AutoAccess::Deep object throws exception by Carp::croak.


  • Save the accessors which is called once into somewhere for performance reason



Kentaro Kuribayashi, <>


Copyright (C) 2005 by Kentaro Kuribayashi

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.