WebService::Hatena::Fotolife - A Perl interface to the Hatena::Fotolife Atom API


use WebService::Hatena::Fotolife;

my $fotolife = WebService::Hatena::Fotolife->new;

# create a new entry with image filename
my $EditURI = $fotolife->createEntry(
    title    => $title,
    filename => $filename,
    folder   => $folder,

# or specify the image source as a scalarref
my $EditURI = $fotolife->createEntry(
    title     => $title,
    scalarref => \$image_content,
    folder    => $folder,

# update the entry
$fotolife->updateEntry($EditURI, title => $title);

# delete the entry

# retrieve the feed
my $feed = $fotolife->getFeed;
my @entries = $feed->entries;


WebService::Hatena::Fotolife provides an interface to the Hatena::Fotolife Atom API.

This module is a subclass of XML::Atom::Client, so see also the documentation of the base class for more usage.



    my $fotolife = WebService::Hatena::Fotolife->new;

    Creates and returns a WebService::Hatena::Fotolife object.

createEntry ( %param )

    # passing an image by filename
    my $EditURI = $fotolife->createEntry(
        title    => $title,
        filename => $filename,
    # or...
    # a scalar ref to the image content
    my $EditURI = $fotolife->createEntry(
        title     => $title,
        scalarref => $scalarref,

    Uploads given image to Hatena::Fotolife. Pass in the image source as a filename or a scalarref to the image content. There're some more options described below:

    • title

      Title of the image.

    • filename

      Local filename of the image.

    • scalarref

      Scalar reference to the image content itself.

    • folder

      Place, called "folder" in Hatena::Fotolife, you want to upload your image.

    • generator

      Specifies generator string. Hatena::Fotolife can handle your request along with it. If not passed, the package name of this modules is used.

updateEntry ( $EditURI, %param )

    my $EditURI = $fotolife->updateEntry(
        title => $title,

    Updates the title of the entry at $EditURI with given options. Hatena::Fotolife Atom API currently doesn't support to update the image content directly via Atom API.


    my $feed = $fotolife->getFeed;

    Retrieves the feed. The count of the entries the $feed includes depends on your configuration of Hatena::Fotolife.

use_soap ( [ 0 | 1 ] )

username ( [ $username ] )

password ( [ $password ] )

getEntry ( $EditURI )

deleteEntry ( $EditURI )


  • Hatena::Fotolife

  • Hatena::Fotolife API documentation

  • XML::Atom::Client


Kentaro Kuribayashi, <>


Copyright (C) 2005 - 2009 by Kentaro Kuribayashi

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.