Changes for version 0.6.0 - 2013-11-13
- 00 Minor
- Color handling is now validated, and spews list of dynamically determined themes on your system
- TERMINOLOGY documentation moved down
- Tests added (Finally!)
- Moose autobox code removed.
- Actually remove Test::Compile
- Dependencies::Added / runtime requires
- Carp
- Path::ScanINC
- Path::Tiny
- Dependencies::Added / test requires
- Cwd
- Dist::Zilla::App::Tester
- Dependencies::Removed / runtime requires
- Moose::Autobox
- Dependencies::Removed / test requires
- File::Spec
- IO::Handle
- IPC::Open3
Dump a textual representation of each phase's parts.
Output formatting themes for dzil dumpphases
A role for themes that are simple single-color themes with variations of bold/uncolored.
A blue color theme for dzil dumpphases
A green color theme for dzil dumpphases
A plain-text theme for dzil dumpphases
A red color theme for dzil dumpphases