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This distribution is up for adoption!
If you're interested then please contact the PAUSE module admins via
Changes for version 1.12044518 - 2010-11-04
- Spliced Test deps into its own module. Shipped work behind _try_regen_metadata to Dist::Zilla::Util::EmulatePhase meta_noindex is now *ON* by default. This behavioural change is reason for Bumping the minor to 12. Rationale: If you're using MetaNoIndex and this module, then you want things to get skipped. With provides =>, cpan won't do any indexing itself, so no_index in the data does nothing. So, this module brings that power back to life by implementing it manually. Add thanks while I remember.
Data Management Record for MetaProvider::Provides Based Class
Utility Types for the MetaProvides Plugin
Generating and Populating 'provides' in your META.yml
A Role for Metadata providers specific to the 'provider' key.