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Changes for version 1.14000001 - 2012-07-26
- BugFix
- Defer version constraints to as late as possible to allow more circular things to happen, avoiding compile-time failure in bootstrap.
- Dependencies::Changed
- build requires : Module-Build 0.3601 -> 0.4001
- configure requires : Module-Build 0.3601 -> 0.4001
- develop recommends : Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::KENTNL::Lite 0.01009803 -> v1.3.0
- develop suggests : Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::KENTNL v1.2.0 -> v1.4.2
- test requires : Test::More 0.96 -> 0.98
- Dependencies::New
- runtime requires : Readonly
Data Management Record for MetaProvider::Provides Based Class
Utility Types for the MetaProvides Plugin
Generating and Populating 'provides' in your META.yml
A Role for Metadata providers specific to the 'provider' key.