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This distribution is up for adoption!
If you're interested then please contact the PAUSE module admins via
Changes for version 1.000000 - 2014-07-29
- 00 Major
- Packaging changes that may affect downstream who work by hand
- 01 Version Scheme Change
- Migrating from x.yyyyyyyy ( = 8 ) to x.yyyyyy ( = 6 )
- This is the primary reason for the 1.x on the box.
- https://questhub.io/realm/perl/quest/5388d3a9bbd0be2224000129
- 02 Toolkit Change
- Shipping is now done exclusively with ExtUtils::MakeMaker
- https://questhub.io/realm/perl/quest/5388cc12bbd0be5b2500011f
- This means it may be some more time before this actually has tests.
- No More Dogfood
- 03 Misc
- Handling failure cases with MI slightly improved.
- Depending on a version of ::Tempdir that acutally emits files.
- Moved to kentnl org
- Dependencies::Stats
- Dependencies changed since 0.02000000, see misc/*.deps* for details
- build: -1
- configure: ↓1 (recommends: +1)
- develop: +44 -2 (recommends: -1, suggests: +1 ↑1)
- runtime: +3 ↑2 -1
- test: +10 ↓1 -2 (recommends: +5)
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