Why not adopt me?
This distribution is up for adoption!
If you're interested then please contact the PAUSE module admins via
Changes for version 0.1.1 - 2013-08-07
- Dependencies::Added / test requires
- Capture::Tiny
- blib
- Dependencies::Changed / build requires
- Module::Build 0.4005 → 0.4007
- Dependencies::Changed / configure requires
- Module::Build 0.4005 → 0.4007
- Dependencies::Changed / develop requires
- Test::CPAN::Changes 0.20 → 0.22
- Dependencies::Changed / develop suggests
- Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::KENTNL v1.7.4 → v1.7.5
- Dependencies::Removed / test requires
- File::Find
- File::Temp
- Internals
- Reimplement user module satisfaction code as a method so its easier to override in a child class.
Depend on versions of modules the same as you have installed