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Changes for version 0.1.2 - 2013-09-25
- 00 Minor/Bugfix
- Rebuild to get latest Test::Compile test which is not broken on Win32
- Added one basic test
- Dependencies::Added / test requires
- Cwd
- File::Copy::Recursive 0.38
- File::Spec
- Path::FindDev v0.3.1
- Path::Tiny 0.035
- Test::DZil 4.300039
- Test::Fatal 0.013
- Dependencies::Changed / develop recommends
- Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::KENTNL::Lite v1.3.0 → v1.7.2
- Dependencies::Changed / develop requires
- Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::KENTNL::Lite 0 → v1.7.2
- Test::Kwalitee 1.13 → 1.15
- version 0.9903 → 0.9904
- Dependencies::Changed / runtime requires
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Prereqs::MatchInstalled v0.1.1 → v0.1.3
- MooseX::Types::Moose 0.36 → 0.38
Upgrade ALL your dependencies to the ones you have installed.