Why not adopt me?
This distribution is up for adoption!
If you're interested then please contact the PAUSE module admins via
Changes for version 1.0.9 - 2011-06-13
- Dependencies::Test::New
- Capture::Tiny
- File::pushd
- FindBin
- Path::Class
- Test::DZil
- Test::Fatal
- Test::File::ShareDir
- Test::Output
- Features
- Comments out autoversion_relative fields in generated dist.ini as a move towards eliminating it.
- Pre-Injects Abstract and Moose to new Modules.
- Sets a custom template provider in the profile.
- MiscFiles::New
- share/profiles/default/ModuleTemplate.pm, template for my modules.
- corpus/global/config.ini, a default "Global" configuaration for test purposes.
- Tests::New
- 01-Minter.t, A reasonably exhaustive mint > build > testbuild domino test.
KENTNL's Minting Profile
Generate a dist.ini for @Author::KENTNL projects.
BeLike::KENTNL when you build your distributions.