Changes for version 1.9.0 - 2013-09-26

  • 00 Major
    • Well not hugely major, declared develop depends change starting this release.
    • @Author::KENTNL is develop_required ( as you will need that bundle if you do any dev work on consuming things without modifiying them )
    • @Author::KENTNL::Lite is now develop_suggests only, to indicate that bundle can be somewhat used to work on consuming things, as long as you edit the right dist.ini's to make it so.
  • Dependencies::Added / develop requires
    • Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::KENTNL v1.9.0
  • Dependencies::Added / develop suggests
    • Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::KENTNL::Lite v1.7.2
  • Dependencies::Removed / develop recommends
    • Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::KENTNL::Lite v1.7.2
  • Dependencies::Removed / develop requires
    • Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::KENTNL::Lite v1.7.2
  • Dependencies::Removed / develop suggests
    • Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::KENTNL v1.8.4


Generate a dist.ini for @Author::KENTNL projects.
The MinimumPerl Plugin with a few hacks
BeLike::KENTNL when you build your distributions.