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This distribution is up for adoption!
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Changes for version 2.013005 - 2014-05-26
- 01 new experimental feature
- new attribute 'bumpversions'
- uses a combination of BumpVersionAfterRelease and RewriteVersion::Santized instead of Git::NextVersion and PkgVersion.
- 02 utils/dep_changes
- Wrap length extended to 120 chars.
- Line breaks no longer occur at (narrow)? no-break space
- hugelines now 'overflow' instead of hard wrapping.
- optional dependencies now have their own file.
- Dependencies::Aggregate
- 5.010001 : 297 → 299
- 5.012005 : 290 → 292
- 5.018002 : 285 → 288
- 5.019009 : 277 → 279
- Dependencies::Stats
- Dependencies changed since 2.013004, see Changes.deps* for details
- develop: ↑4
- runtime: +2 ↑23 -2 (recommends: +1)
- test: +1 ↑1
KENTNL's Minting Profile
Generate a dist.ini for @Author::KENTNL projects.
The MinimumPerl Plugin with a few hacks
BeLike::KENTNL when you build your distributions.