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Changes for version 0.01052115 - 2011-04-03
- Dependencies
- Test::More is no longer a runtime dep.
- Carp is now a runtime Dep.
- Dependencies::Develop
- Now adverties Dist::Zilla bundles as being useful for developing.
- Dependencies::Test
- English.pm needed for testing.
- File::Find needed.
- File::Temp needed
- FindBin needed.
- Test::More 0.88 Needed.
- Documentation
- Hack weaver.ini to fix generation issues.
- Packaging
- Move to @Author::KENTNL
- Update toolchain
- drop custom critic/kwalitee tests.
- more critic rules to shut it up.
- Reorganised the tests dir.
- Ship .perltidyrc
- add .gitignore.
- Tests
- Duplicated and reworked 01_simple.t to 02_simple.t with a current copy of the mirror list.
- Added test plugins: DistMeta, EOL, Kwalitee, CPAN-Changes, ReportVersions::Tiny
A programmatic way to access Gentoo.org Mirror Metadata
An objective representation of a single Gentoo mirror