Changes for version 0.004010 - 2014-01-31

  • 00 Minor
    • Tooling switched to EUMM
    • Tooling hardness softened
  • Dependencies::AggregateChange
    • 5.8 : Was 60 Dependencies - Still 60 Dependencies
    • 5.19 : Was 31 Depedencies - Now 29 Dependencies
    • Because...
    • Git::Wrapper requires Path::Class
    • Path::Class requires Module::Build
  • Dependencies::Stats
    • Dependencies changed since 0.004000, see Changes.deps{,.all,.dev} for details
    • build: -1
    • configure: +2 -1
    • develop: +2 ↑1 -2
    • test: +3 ↑1 ↓1


A Toolkit for working with Git::Wrapper in an Object Oriented Way.
Extract branches from Git
An Abstract REF node
A single tag object
Work with refs
Determine what versions of things support what
Database of command argument support data
Database of Git Behavior Support
Database of command support data
A record describing a range of supported versions
A key -> range list mapping for support features
A set of ranges of supported things
Extract all tags from a repository
Utility for testing things with a git repository
Misc plumbing tools for Git::Wrapper::Plus
Analyze and compare git versions