Changes for version 0.002 - 2012-04-09

  • Dependencies::New
    • Runtime requires : Module::Metadata
    • Runtime requires : Path::ScanINC
  • Internals
    • Rework module discovery to be optimistic, check %INC if its there already, and if it is, report where it was found, otherwise, ask Path::ScanINC to tell us where it is WITHOUT loading it. This will hopefully be usefull in many cases allowing us to detect module availability without needing the compile/memory overheads of actually loading said modules
    • Rework ->version call to be optimistic, ask PACKAGE->VERSION for version if the package appears to be loaded, otherwise, fall back on Path::ScanINC to find the file, and Module::Metadata to extract the version out of it. The hope is that will eliminate the need to load the whole module permenantly into memory *just* to discern what version it is.


Introspect context information about modules in @INC