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Changes for version 0.01060815 - 2011-04-14
- Maintenance release.
- Dependencies
- Test::More removed from Runtime deps
- Explicit dependency on Moose::Role added.
- Dropped dependency on Search::GIN
- Added Dependency on Search::GIN::Extract
- Added Dependency on Search::GIN::Extract::Attributes
- Added dependency on Search::GIN::Extract::Callback
- Dependencies:Build
- Module::Build 0.3601 required for configure/build
- Dependencies:Devel
- Now advertises @Author::KENTNL for development.
- Dependencies:Test
- Test::More 0.96 is added to build deps.
- English is added to build deps
- File::Find is added to build deps
- File::Temp is added to build deps
- Documentation
- Fixed a few POD spelling issues.
- Packaging
- Move to @Author::KENTNL
- Stop shipping Makefile.PL
- perlcriticrc moved to perlcritic.rc and made more strict.
- add .gitignore.
- Changes reworked to CPAN::Changes form.
- Tests
- removed hand-coded critic/kwalitee tests.
- added report-versions-tiny
- added CPAN::Changes
- added DistMeta
- added EOL
- added generated kwalitee
- added generated critic
Delegate Extraction based on class.
Map Extractors based on what an object 'does'
Map Extractors based on what an object 'isa'
Map Extractors based on what an object 'isa' or 'does'
The ClassMap core role for generally representing all the user config.
Types for Search::GIN::Extract::ClassMap, mostly for coercions.