XAS::Docs::Theory - theory of operation for the XAS environment


A system with well defined interfaces and objectives is fairly reliable on a single system. Distribute that same system over muliple systems and it becomes inherently unreliable. Why? You do not have control over intermediary "thingies" between those systems. You may think you do, but you don't. At any given time something will fail. This is a given, accept it and plan for it.

With that being said, this environment tries to be reliable.


Reliablily starts from the ground up. You should have a consitent call interface within your modules. You should have a well defined interfaces between your modules. When your modules are combined into procedures they should have consistent exception handling, option handling and return known exit codes to the command line when ran. When procedures comunicate between themselves they should all use the same standard protocols. There should be no surprises. When you start doing this you start to have a reliable system.

And you can do this in any programming language. There really is nothing in any particular language that makes it more "reliable". Sure, some have some built in capablities for this, but it all comes down to a discplined programmer. A displined programmer can write good, reliable, software in any language, a undisplined one can't, it is a simple as that.


This is loosely coupled environment. There is no direct one-to-one communications between procedures. A message queue is used as a intermediary between them. This is done for a reason. It makes the endpoints simpler. They don't have to maintain an internal queue of messages with all the management overhead. It can be pushed off to a dedicated process and that process can exist anywhere within the environment. Here is a diagram of how this environment works.

                (message queue server)
                     /         \
                    /           \
 +----+            /             \               +----+
 |    |           /               \              |    |
 |    |-->[spooler]                [collector]-->|    |
 |    |                                          |    |
 +----+                                          +----+
datastore                                       datastore

The spooler is standalone. It knows its local environment and how to communicate to the message queue. When it sends a message all it knows is that it reached its destination. It is responsible for maintaining the local datastore.

The collector also is standalone. It knows its local environment and how to communicate to the message queue. When it receives a message it does something with it.

This is known as "store and forward" messaging. It is a reliable, tried and true way to send something across a network.

Self Healing

In this environment, if a "thingie" falls off the network. The messages queue up, ready to be deliveried when the "thingie" comes back online. When the message queue server is configured to store messages in a backing store, you will not loose messages.

Which makes the environment reliable.




Kevin L. Esteb, <kevin (at)>


Copyright 2012 Kevin L. Esteb, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.