XAS::Docs::Startup - how to startup the XAS environment
The message queue and the database should be installed on a system with the resources needed to handle them. Once they are installed and started, the following can be completed.
Startup Scripts
Thy are located in /opt/xas/init.d. They start the various daemons that run in the background. They need to either be linked or copied to the approbiate locations. On Debian this would be /etc/init.d. Running update-rc.d will then activate them. The following scripts are provided:
- xas-alerts.debian
This process scans the database looking for unhandled alerts. If any are found an email is sent off to the approbiate people.
- xas-collector.debian
This process monitors the queues on the message queue server. When messages arrive they are processed and stored in the database.
- xas-spooler.debian
This process monitors the spool directories. When a spool file appears they are processed and sent to the message queue server.
If you are not on a Debian derived system you will need to port these startup scripts to your platform. Contributions are greatfully accepted, expecially if you know of a way to reliably detect Linux distributions.
When this has been done, and the scripts are ran the basic system is now up and running. These procedures will process and provide notifications on any alerts that may be generated.
Kevin L. Esteb, <kevin (at)>
Copyright 2012 Kevin L. Esteb, all rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.