XAS::Docs::Installation - how to install the XAS environment
The installation will ask where your message queue and email system reside and what ports they are listening on. To install this module, run the following commands:
# perl Build.PL
# ./Build
# ./Build test
# ./Build install
# ./Build post_install
On a Linux system this will install the software into /opt/xas. This can be overridden with the --install_base option to Build.PL.
You can also use the debian package manager to install this software. Use the following commands to do so:
# debuild -uc -us
# dpkg -i ../libxas-base-perl_0.05-1_all.deb
This will install the software into /opt/xas. This package uses CPAN modules that may not be supported from the debian repositories.
These installation instructions presupposes some sort of Linux box. Persumably a Debian based distribution. The perl based installation steps will work on Redhat based distributions. They will also work, to a certain extent, on generic Unix based systems. With these, the specialized startup scripts will need to be modified to work on them. This software requires Perl 5.8.8 or higher to operate.
This installation creates a "xas" user and group. This is used to set permissions on files and for user context with running daemons.
A file is created and placed in the /etc/profile.d directory to define environment variables for the system.
A xas file is created and placed in the /etc/logrotate.d directory to help manage log files.
Start up scripts for various daemons are created in /etc/init.d. Since the LSB is rather liberally interrupted by the various distributors, these scripts are for Debian based systems. Porting them to other distributions is rather trivial and if you have a fool proof way to determine the Linux distribution, please forward it to me. Thanks.
The following is a sample installation.
$ perl Build.PL
Enter your STOMP MQ Server [ ]localhost
Enter the STOMP MQ Port [61613 ]
Enter your Mail Server [ ]
Enter the Mail server port [25 ]
Enter this hosts name [localhost ]bob
Enter this hosts domain [ ]
Enter the database name [XAS ]xxx
Enter the database user [xas ]xxx
Enter the database users password [password ]xxx
Enter the database DSN [Pg ]
Creating new 'MYMETA.yml' with configuration results
Creating new 'Build' script for 'XAS' version '0.04'
$ ./Build
Building XAS
$ ./Build test
t/00-load.t ....... 6/57 # Testing XAS::Base 0.01, Perl 5.010001, /usr/bin/perl
t/00-load.t ....... ok
t/boilerplate.t ... ok
t/manifest.t ...... skipped: Author tests not required for installation
t/pod-coverage.t .. skipped: Test::Pod::Coverage 1.08 required for testing POD coverage
t/pod.t ........... ok
t/spell.t ......... skipped: Author tests not required for installation
All tests successful.
Test Summary Report
t/boilerplate.t (Wstat: 0 Tests: 3 Failed: 0)
TODO passed: 1-3
Files=6, Tests=194, 6 wallclock secs ( 0.21 usr 0.05 sys + 4.72 cusr 0.36 csys = 5.34 CPU)
Result: PASS
$ su
# ./Build install
# exit
This system uses a message queue server and a database system. The intallation of either is beyond the scope of this document.
Kevin L. Esteb, <kevin (at)>
Copyright 2012 Kevin L. Esteb, all rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.