(!!! = possible source of incompatibilities)
John Cerney:
- Modified Basic/Core/Makefile.Pl so that ppport.h
gets properly installed.
- Removed Version.pm from distribution. This file now
gets auto-generated during the build process.
- Fixed permissions of Known_Problems file.
- Misc Changes to Doc/mkhtmldoc.pl and Doc/scantree.pl
to make html links work correctly.
- Minor documentation fixes.
Christian Soeller:
- Fixed documentation build problems. Install process
now builds a index html file.
- Changes to get the win32 activestate port
going. (available from
- Changes to complile under cygwin32.
Doug Burke:
- Modification to slices.pd docs clarifying the
usage of -1 to indicate the last element when
- misc.pd doc modification to indicate that rcols()
will ignore lines beginning with a # character
if no pattern is specified.
- misc.pd patch to rcols where options can now
be given to:
only include lines matching a pattern
exclude lines matching a pattern
only use a specified range of line numbers
- Patch to Graphics/IIS/iis.pd to fix warning messages
when running with the perl -w flag.
Karl Glazebrook:
- Updated F77.pm to match version 1.10 of ExtUtils-F77.
- Added polynomial fit package Polynomial.pm
- Patch to Lib/Slatec/Makefile.Pl to fix problems
compiling on sparc/solaris
- Patch to Basic/Primitive/primitive.pd to make matmult
thread properly and to make matmult an exported function.
- Patch to Makefile.PL that allows PDL to be built and
installed conveniently away from it's final destination.
This is useful for making RPMs.
Joshua Pritikin:
- Patch to pdlcore.c moving some #defines around
to improve portability between perl versions.
Kristian Nielsen
- Patch to Basic/Primitive/primitive.pd to fix
whistogram and whistogram2d problems and updates
Robin Williams
- Update to Basic/Math/Makefile.PL.
- Update to Basic/Primitive/Primitive.pd to
include new functions. zcover, andover, etc.
- Patch to FFT to fix but with single-column/row
Tim Jenness
- Patch to IO/NDF/NDF.pm that updates the
POD documentation and makes sure that the reader
skips any array extensions (like those generated
by Starlink CCDPACK).
- Patch to Lib/Slatec/Makefile.PL
to fix problems compiling slatec with g77 on Redhat
- Patch to t/argtest.t, t/scope.t to get rid of
warning messages.
- Patch to perldl.PL that allows a user supplied
subroutine to be called to pre-process all perldl
James Williams:
- Patch to mkhtmldoc.pl to fix problem with not
generating all html files.
John Cerney:
- Added reference to the CPAN testers results page
to the README file.
- Fixed improper comments (causing warning messages)
for '#endif _pdlmagic_h' in pdlmagic.h
- Removed reference to PDL being only at 'alpha release'
in Indexing.pod.
- Updated Christian Soeller's email address in all files.
- Clarified docs on the RMS element returned by the stats
- Changed how $PDL::VERSION is set so CPAN will pick it
up correctly:
* PDL::VERSION is now set directly in PDL.pm
* Makefile.PL reads $PDL::VERSION from PDL.pm and
auto-generates Basic/Version.pm
Joshua Pritikin: Changes for compatibility with PDL-Objstore.
Includes all the fairly conservative changes. More radical
changes to come.
- Deals with portability between perl versions using Devel-PPPort.
- Adds a version number to the PDL API.
- Optional bounds checking for PP.
- Simplistic support for C++ comments in PP code.
- Much improved searching for the Solaris math library.
Jarle Brinchmann:
- Added 'isempty' function.
Robin Williams:
- Doc tidying in Basic/Math together with a
wrapper routine for eigens and the start of a test set.
Karl Glazebrook:
- Patch to where function in primitive.pd to fix
bug in ($i,$j,$k) = where($x,$y,$z, $x+5>0)
- Added PDL::Fit-Gaussion Module
- Patch to Core.pm so you can say $a = float(3,4,5)
just as you can say $a = pdl(3,4,5).
- Patch to slices.pd to export the dice and dice_axis
Robert Schwebel
- Patch for the "perldl" shell that does the following:
1.) Print out usage information if non-valid option is given.
2.) Introduce "quit" equivalent to "exit"
3.) some linebreaks to fit comments into 80 char terminals
Christian Soeller:
- Commented out the close(STDERR) lines in pnd.pd to fix a
problem where the output from a 'die' is not seen for
certain test cases after using rpic/wpic from PDL::IO::Pic.
- Misc Patch:
- negative positions for dummy
- matmult now also supports promotion to sig dims
- PDL::matmult naming corrected
- MathGraph: call PDL::random
- Pic.pm: use PDL::Options -> minimum matching now supported
removed 'close STDERR' calls
- tifftopnm converter: added -nolut option
- pnm.pd: get rid of 'uninitialized...' warning
- flexraw.t: fix for broken linux dists that don't have compress (but gzip)
- picnorgb.t: hopefully got rid of error with SGI format
- slice.t/matmult.t: tests for new features.
- Patch to
- fix a bug when using pthreads and output argument creation
- new function PDL::Core::pthreads_enabled
- updated pthread.t
- Fixed a problem in pdlapi.c where some vaffine optimizations
had been broken by in a previous version. (Karl also added
a test case to complain if this is broken again.)
Doug Burke:
- Patch to clean up some of the PGPLOT documentation.
Harry Felder:
- Patch to Basic/Math/Makefile.PL to not depend on PWD
environment variable.
Doug Hunt:
- Patch to Core.pm to add '$PDL::undefval' variable,
which controls how undefs are treaded when a PDL
is created from a perl structure using
pdl(), float(), double(), etc.
Tim Jenness:
- Change to perldl to accept -w flag. This runs perldl
with the perl warnings (i.e. the perl -w flag) enabled.
2.0 (1.99990 with very minor changes)
John Cerney
- Fixed duplicate entry of PDL::IO::NDF information in the DEPENDENCIES file.
- Added more items to Known_Problems file.
John Cerney:
- Renamed reorderDims method to reorder to slices.pd
Christian Soeller:
- Dimension promotion of 0-d PDLs patch.
- Patch to pnm.pd to fix bug reported to the list by Karl.
Tuomas Lukka:
- Allow mmapping of null piddles (i.e. zero-length vectors: dims = (0))
- Fix Math spelling mistake: PI0 -> PIO
- Fix Math compilation error: add ++
- Added close(fd) at the end of set_data_by_mmap in Core.xs
Karl Glazebrook
- Added Rcube to IO/Misc.pd Reads list of files directly
into a large data cube (for efficiency).
- Corrected spelling error in the README file.
Pete Ratzlaff
- Fix to imag() in PGPLOT.pm to set the world plotting
coordinates to a more sensible result when specifying
a translation.
Jarle Brinchmann
- Added FITS header support for comments & history.
Joshua Pritikin
- Patch to pdlapi.c to fix obvious memory leak.
- Patch to PP.pm to workaround @_ bugs in perl5.005.
Robin Williams
- Fix for some reported compliation problems with Math
Tuomas Lukka:
- Added Fractal Mountain range to Tri-d demos
- Corrected error in impatient.pod. ('top right'
to 'top left' in 'Sections' section.)
Tim Jenness
- Updated dependency file to reflect the addition
of PDL::IO::NDF to the distribution.
Anton Berezin
- Modified Basic/Math/Makefile.PL to fix potential
conflicts with temp files in the /tmp directory
John Cerney:
- Added reorderDims method to slices.pd
- Modified subclass2/3.t tests to be more representative
of how a functional object would be subclassed.
- Added '-I/usr/X11R6/include' to the default OPENGL_INC in
Robin Williams
- Cosmetic patch to TriDGallery
- Addition of intover (integral) to Primitive.pm
- Changes to Basic/Math files so that nan and
infinity handling are now in a consistent interface.
Pete Ratzlaff
- Fixes typo in Gaussian.pm
Karl Glazebrook
- Patch to IO/Misc/misc.pd to fix a minor bug
- Patch to IO/Misc/misc.pd to be more memory efficient.
- Update to Simplex.pm docs to be more clear to mere
mortals. Addition of tsimp2.pl example.
Joshua Pritikin
- Patch to pdlmagic.h to fix problems compliling with
SunPro 4.2 C++.
Christian Soeller:
- Added a quick/simple ascii file reader (rasc) to
Christian Soeller:
- patch to make the picrgb/picnorgb tests fail more gracefully
with the commonplace 'maxval too large' problem.
- Corrections for docs in PGPLOT.pm
- Fix for pnm.pd to revert the STDERR redirection after
a file is opened.
Karl Glazebrook:
- Updated Slatec's F77.pm from version 1.07 to 1.08
- Added qsorti function.
- Added Karma text overlays
- Added new indexing function dice_axis
Robin Williams:
- Fix for browser warnings appearing on finicky systems.
Jarle Brinchmann:
- Updated to PGPLOT.pm so that if you input a (100,1,100) image
to imag, the 1-element dimensions will be ignored. It also
checks that the piddle doesn't get too small, so that
if you input a (100, 1, 1, 1) image, it will be
treated as a (100,1) image by PGPLOT.
John Cerney:
- Modified PP.pod to get rid of 'head3' errors from the pod2man
- Modified PDL.pm PDL::Lite.pm , PDL::LiteF.pm so that the $VERSION would
be picked up correctly. 'use PDL 2.0' now correctly checks the version.
- Fixed dead links in pod documentation.
- Added dice and dice axis indexing functions in slice.pd
(Cerney and Glazeblook)
- Modified PdlParObj.pm to clarify 'too few dimemsions' errors.
Karl Glazebrook:
- Fix for minor array bounds bug in image2d.pd
- Addition of PDL->create and PDL->destroy to pdlcore
- Change to perldl.conf to (a) Makes Karma find X better,
(b) finds MesaGL as well as GL by default
- Modification of the pic*rgb.t tests to fail more
gracefully with bad converters.
- Patch to Graphics/Karma/karma.pd to sort out some non-
standard options casing.
- Patch to Basic/Math/mconf.h to conditionally define
- Fix to IO/Misc/misc.pd so you can use pipes, + minor doc fix/update
Jarle Brinchmann:
- Minor Demos/PGPLOT_demo fix.
Tim Jenness:
- Patch to Core to get PDL->new() etc working.
(pdlapi.c, pdlcore.h and Core.xs )
- Patch to perldl.PL so that $string, $code
and $coderef can be used by the user.
- Changes made to directory structure so
NDF.pm would be installed correctly.
Kaj Wiik
- Minor syntax fix to PG_PLOT.pm
Robin Williams:
- Test for fft and fftconvolve and
fix for fft.pd
Karl Glazebrook:
- Fix for PGPLOT to work more like
it should
Anton Berezin:
- F77 Fixes for freebsd
Anton Berezin
- Fix to Pnm/pnm.pd to work under perl5.005
John Cerney
- Fixes for subclassing to work properly
- Addition of more test cases.
- PP.pm and PP.pod additions for subclassing.
- Minor Change to Html.pm to correct problem with it
creating false html references from .pod text that contained
'=head' as examples.
- Updates to Doc/mkhtmldoc.pl to fix most problems with html documents
not referencing each other correctly. In order to not change multiple
.pod documents and documentation in .pm files, html docs will now be
installed in ..../site_perl/PDL/htmldocs/PDL instead of
..../site_perl/PDL/htmldocs. (If installing over a previous version,
the html files in .../site_perl/PDL/htmldocs should be deleted to
avoid confusion.
Robin Williams:
- FFT test file addition (t/fft.t)
(Test number 2 fails... commented-out for now)
Andy Dougherty, John Cerney
- Changes to compile with perl5.005
Anton Berezin:
- Change for Browser to compile with freebsd
Robin Williams:
- Change behavior of overloaded bool operator
to not stringify. This was causing a major
slowdown in cases where a PDL object was
being tested in a boolean context. (e.g.
if($PDL){ ...} )
1.99985 (2.0 one half to go )
- PGPLOT_demo.pm was hosed by Tjl. Fixed
- same put in Makefile.PL and perldl.PL
- perldl.PL: syntax error.
- fft.pd: remove printf
- (noticed by Robin Williams) Whitespace removals
- removed ops.pd SYNOPSIS
- fix to browse building
Dov Grobgeld:
- the two pnm.pd one-liner for 5.005 (wpnm, rpnm)
1.9998 (2.0 try 7, one more to go ;)
- spelling updates
- PP.pm: silence xsubpp about prototypes
- TriDGallery fixes
- perldl: use pager, accept sub as prompt (added to by Achim)
- PS to pnm in IO/Pnm/Pic.pm
- MPEG border
- ninterpol (n-dim regular grid interpolation), Lib/ImageND
- badmask
- fft.pd minimal patch
- "using"
- MPEG writing into stdin - save tmp files
- fft new version
- PP fixes: $P and cosmetics
- rebin (N-dim rebinning algorithm)
- rotate
- curses.h include
[ didn't include index() patch - incompatible. Maybe new name? ]
- ExtUtils/F77.pm new version
- debug/verbose patch
- shift_elements (but supplanted by Robin's rotate later)
- new Karma
- NAN shall not spoil minimum/maximum
- Make list() listindices do the right thing with nulls
Tim Jenness:
- fix misc problem when trying to write complicated headers to fits
- NDF writing/reading using the perl NDF module
- MAIN__ into slatec.pd to avoid linkage errors
- PDL::Options
- minmax docpatch (modified by Tjl)
- PGPLOT update
Joshua Pritikin:
- -M, -m, -I arguments to perldl
- use -f in Makefile.PL
- Fix strndup in pdlthread.c
- error if RAND_MAX not defined
- cumu* (cumulative sum,product
1.9908 (2.0 try 6)
- memleak patch (idea by Robin)
- pdl_destroytransform so that it doesn't core dump easily any more.
1.9907 (2.0 try 5)
- major patch containing stuff from other people.
- dTHR -> errno if not defined
- quaternion rotate routine was totally hosed.
added tests (probably will cause bad things where TriD
doesn't exist :(..
1.9906 (2.0 try 4)
- patch Tjl's botched edit to his game of life
- perldl.PL: do paging with page() and nopage().
- doc_install, pure_perl_install.. hopefully these now work
Joshua Pritikin:
- rename 'thr', 'op' and fix fftn.c error message for non-sick compilers
- fix NAN on suns
- add #ifdef dTHR to be compatible with 5.004_*
1.9905 (2.0 try 3)
Someone (lost the mail):
- realclean Basic/Core/Config.pm
- don't install pod2usage, pod2select in script dir
- Lib/ImageRGB -> ImageRGB (!!!)
- install patches for 5.005
- remove gotos from str2D to not tickle bug in 5.004_64,
which I couldn't reproduce at smaller scale :(
- at Karl's prompting, removed the other mandelbrots for now :(
- Fix memory leak (reported by Kaj Wiik)
- change sin, cos, asin, acos, log, exp and the like to be [F,D]
GenericTypes only.
- TriDGallery: game of life! (edited by Tjl)
- new karma.pd
- reshape patch
- callext patch
1.9904 (2.0 try 2)
- (Andreas Heitmann): rename rs in the rest of places
- (Robin): openglq.pd: make COLORSAD not to warn for nonconstant init
- histogram fix (which earlier fell through Tjl's fingers)
- new ExtUtils::F77
- "aargh" patch
- Demos/TriD2.pm: fix state at end
- fix stupid Makefile.PL blooper by Tjl
- patch Perldl.pm to do 'help $a'
1.9903 (2.0 try 1)
- PDL::Lib::FFT -> PDL::FFT (Robert Schwebel)
- MathGraph stuff (same)
- tiny TriD tweaks for VRML::Browser
- strdup -> malloc(strlen+1)+strcpy
- rename 'rs'
- (finally applied) pdlcore.c datatype patch
- minmax + which_two
- one2nd, whichND
- PGPLOT fixes
- Install fixes
- fix pdlcore.c to work with MAGIC hashes, to enable really
wild constructions to come
- twiddle with flexraw.t
- PP cleanup: let 'SIZE' be used in RedoDimsCode. (needs to be cleaned
up from the other kind of access to this.. also need '$PDL(a)')
- null = just flag, so 0-dimensions are now allowed.
- allow which to take other types for mask as well... - required
cleaning PP to make RedoDimsCode be parsed just like Code, except
without threadloop. Seems to work nicely.
(I needed to take ($a == byte 5)->which for a large byte $a and
was horrified to find that my program grew to dozens of Mb)
!!! Note: possible incompatibility: before a floating value 0<v<1
would be interpreted as false, now true - but more logical this
- where to take multiple arguments before the mask,
to map them all through the mask.
- add 'isnull' to Core.xs
- Basic/Gen/PP/PDLCode.pm to 'use strict', just in case...
- add 'Config.pm' to help with tests
- flexraw.t to use this
- Makefile.PLs to set the results of the tests.
- Maybe add PDL::Config_user later to store original
config hash values from user.
- threadover to clear NOMYDIMS flag.
- Callext fixes for hp-ux, required an interface change !!!
- patch integration
- Makefile.PL should check for f77, store information and other
places just use that, especially the tests..
- new faq
- few changes to the demos (especially replaced
'output ' with 'print' in the printouts; beginners might be confused
by the 'output' abstraction)
- new demo '3dgal' for the TriD Gallery
- install PDL::Graphics::VRML::Protos in the correct place
- fixed picrgb test to generate a warning when broken
tiff converters are encountered (patched source now included)
those who reported errors with this test please check again
after patch has been included
- make slatec clean rule more complete
- fix Slatec Makefile.PL to work with more stringent makes
- provide 'rint'
- change Copyright + files' copyrights
- new 3dgal stuff
- undo Slatec return -> exit: if slatec is not built, Lib/Makefile
didn't get built
- fix typo in Makefile.PL
- add C<> in PG.pm
- better barf message for pdl((pdl 0), (pdl 1))
- typo in PP.pod
- make perldl-documentation startup not depend on verbose
- '??' = apropos
- wcols (with Robin)
- fix the TriD demos a little bit...
- clip
- [xyz]linvals
- TriD doc bug fix: grabPIC3d
- vsearch
- FastRaw doc bug
- add to DEPENDS
- misc.pd typos
- deprecate where($a), multidim $a->where($b)
- add maptextfraw
- allow even more flexible PDL::Type::new: let it be a scalar piddle.
- made stringize use listref_c for additional speed & avoiding
stack overflows and other nasty stuff.
- add scope.t to finally test for export stuff working and fix PDL.pm
to use $pkg (from Karl).
- undid the stupid glPolygonOffsetEXT fix, now it should finally work.
- default.perldlrc: set verbose=0 to stop too much waffling!
Karl [via Gerald]
- Makefile.PL: -I patch
1.98_00 [ was 1.98_01 originally ]
- Various typos - for copyright notices, find ... | xargs perl -p -i.bak RULEZ!
- remake Demos subdirectory with reasonable content.
- new TriD demos in Demos/TriD
- keeptwiddling3d etc. into TriD exported, NAME CHANGE !!!
- hold3d parameter
- POLAR2D context for TriD
- document TriD::MathGraph briefly
- fix TriD/Graph.pm to not barf when several graphs were removed
- Fix mmapped piddle freeing for fastraw - now magickable.
- Fix howbig, zeroes, Types stuff to accept PDL::Type objects
instead of numbers in more places, e.g. FastRaw. fastraw.t updated
- Removed TriD/Vertices.pm Lib/DataPresenter.pm
- removed some of the old crud in Core.pm
- Made Pod scanner not look into Pod::Parser.
- lots of doc fixes, moving docs into the new format.
- mkhtmldoc.pl: emulate "mkdir -p" when installing
- Doc/Doc/Perldl.pm: allow e.g. 'new' to get 'PDL::new' to save typing.
- standardize "3-d", "3-D" and "3d" into "3D".
- Die on errors in evals in Basic/*.pm!!! (e.g. dynaloader unresolved
symbols are now brought to light).
- fix "GetHistory" bug by checking for "can".
- Remove PCARout & PCA, as not really useful in present form !!!
- mconf.h osf warnings patch
- TJL's jumbo patch
- stuff into Basic/Math
- TriD/MathGraph, for display of graphs in three
dimensions, by finding an appropriate representation
via a molecular dynamics-type search
- Christian's clipping patch
- set -ve indice patch
- added my wcols() to PDL::IO::Misc
- Lite.pm bug (Shawn)
- Robin's mconf.h patch and Kaj's erfi.t test inserted
- Christians type() patch
- Christians const.c patch for IRIX
- added Christian's COPYING suggestion
- heroically went through and changed all the copyright messages
on the docs to conform to the new standard
- fixed (c) notice in Core.pm docs, others still need to be
- better explanation of GenericTypes and Pars in PP.pod
- improved scantree.pl (portable cwd).
- HTML docs!! - thanks to Christian's mkhtmldoc.pl (some changes)
into the distribution. included a hacked Pod::Html (from perl
5.004) as PDL::Pod::Html Still not great but gives us something
to work from. Some links still broken - patches welcome. See
for docs after 'make install'
- TJL's average() patch and primitive.t patch
- Docs now only built during 'make install' or 'make doctest'
(which builds them under ./blib), this saves them being built
unnecessarily during 'make'
- PDL::Slatec now works on any system with a f77 compiler.
All unused slatec functions were got rid of which fortunately
removed all the ones with COMPLEX arguments. Also changed
prototype generation which removes warnings on build.
Added local copy of ExtUtils::F77 back into dist and WITH_SLATEC
option to perldl.conf (undef by default for auto-decision).
- removed Example/PP - out of date
- applied Christian's mega-patch - but there were problems
I had to fix manually.
(a) his maga-patch didn't include the patch to pdl.h he had
already made.
(b) the change should have been made to pdl.h.PL in any case.
- fixed NAME in Indexing.pod
- may have fixed executable install problem of 'perldl' shell
- fixed PDL.pm being lost from docs db
- Robin's problems 'compiling pdl 1.54_06 Basic/Math' patch 17/12/97
Rejected because of following error (Linux/gcc)
const.c:80: parse error before `3.14159265358979323846'
const.c:99: parse error before `__extension__'
const.c:99: parse error before `}'
Can the patch be revised?
- Robin's at() accepts -ve indices patch. Can we have set() to?
- removed 'docscan' and 'pdlhead2item' from MANIFEST - OK ?
- FITS patch
- restored cc8compt fibonacci from pdl-porters archive (!)
- fixed misc module name problems in tests (thanks Bob!)
- Robin and Christian's help patches
- Robin's Object.pod patch
- Achim: chmod 0755 on Doc/*.PL,
- Achim wanted pdldoc.db in archlib, ignored this (don't understand
- put fudge in ops.pd to get rid of that stupid compiler warning
with abs() and byte/ushort types
- rebuilt MANIFEST hope it is OK now
- introduced new barf(...) routine in Core.pm and pdlcore.c
[see help barf]
we should use barf(...) in C and Perl code instead of croak etc.
Note the barf engine is written in Perl, so is easy to customize!
- changed references to 'croak' in pd/xs/c code to barf(..)
or Perl_croak where appropriate
- changed references to 'croak' in various .pm files to barf()
where appropriate
- croak #defined to barf() in pdlcore.h to catch the use in
xsubpp (..fingers crossed..). Perhaps future xsubpp will allow
an override of this.
- renamed PDL::Io:: heirarchy PDL::IO:: for consistency with Perl IO::
- Renamed PDL.pdl_make_physical PDL.make_physical (woops!) - ditto
- Changed type config. Now Types.pm pdl.h pdlsimple.h are generated
AUTOMATICALLY from Types.pm.PL pdl.h.PL and pdlsimple.h.PL
files using perl Config information. int size issue is now handled
from perl config information. Lots of potential for more flexibility.
Hope this doesn't break Alpha stuff by mistake!
- Revised PDL::CallExt. Now uses make_physical rather than PP and allows
unlimited args in the same way as PDL-1.11. Ought to be more compiler
friendly too! Put callext.t back.
- Added 'dog' and 'cat'
- Added glEnable/DisableClientState to dontfunc in OpenGL
- Doug: added fake MAIN_ to cfft.f in Slatec for old g77s
- Achim's patches of 4/12
- my IIS changes
- Robin's random and Inf/NaN patches of 4/12
- Christian: 'minor doc polishing Core.pm+primitive.pd'
- Christian: INSTALL patches.
- Christian: 'docs in Doc/Doc/Perldl.pm'
- Robin's minor perldl docs patch
- Restored my missing hist() patch and test of Oct 10th (sic)
- Achim's suggestions on help 'help' and help 'perldl', '?' and
allow no quotes (with warning)
- Added solaris_2 hints file for OpenGL
- Robins perldl pod patches but NOT 'l' as a synonym for 'last'
(I don't like this as 'last' is a perl keyword)
- Various small changes to TriD/test*.pl scripts. Renamed as *.p
- minor TriD changes to comply with new zeroes() etc.
- moved tests all into one top level t/ directory.
- corrected PDL::initialise and convert (Christian)
- Robin's primitive.pd patch
- callext.t temporarily disabled - I will rewrite the module.
- Minor changes to 'Doc'.
- TriD renamed to PDL::Graphics::TriD
1.95_02 [emergency bug fixing release]
- Redid all the zeroes/ones/[xyrz]vals/[g]random/sequence stuff
someone please please give me some objective advice :-)
- Added Robin's new FFT
- 3 byte change to Pnm.pm for new zeroes()
- added make_physical and make_physdims to PDL struct
- Added Cephes code to PDL::Math as backup, changed signature of
jn, yn.
- changed scalar convesion in pdlcore.c SvPDLV() - '2.0' is now
double, '2' is now int. [Uses SvNOK SvIOK etc] - changed
Basic/t/conv.t to comply.
- Added magic {PDL} = code ref hook. And put test/example in
- random() is now like zeroes() and both allow type/dim and
$x template arguments. New arg proc. method to support this.
- Added grandom().
- Ressurected PDL::Exporter (q.v.). Much simpler than bizarrity
in PDL-1.11. Now 'use PDL::Mod' defaults to loading ':Func'.
Provision for noimports. Less typing!!!! Modified docs too.
- Renamed PDL::Graphics::PG PDL::Graphics::PGPLOT
- Reverted to manpages named PDL::FAQ.1, PDL::Dataflow.1, etc.
This is simpler and maintains consistence between manpage
and pod browsers. Fixed all the text links to comply.
- small changes to Pod/ docs.
- shut PP the hell up! Much less scary build now.
- added Pods to files scanned in building doc database.
- [xvyz]rvals now act like zeroes - but they now act like
constructos so $derived->xvals does not give you what
you expect. Need to think about this some more.
- removed PDL_OPTIONS - PDL_CONFIG for everything. I think this is
better, e.g. if we want debugging we can add Debugging=>1 to
- changed use of PDL_CONFIG - see INSTALL. I think this is simpler.
- made Karma conform with above - and simplified.
- changed Callext arg limit to 10 to avoid compiler explosions.
- integrated PDL::Doc, created PDL::Doc::Perldl.
- manifying is now back from the .pm file rather then the .pd
(this is a better design now pod are semi-generated from PP)
- Christian's patches of 25/11/97:
'Core.xs and pdlapi.c'
'test' for Io::Pic
- added docs for Doc field in PP.pod and made one-line a special case
- Moved statistical functions from Basic.pm to Primitive.pm
- Lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and
lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and
lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and
lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and
lots and lotsof miscellaneous docs.
- Robin's browser patch of 26/11
- Core now completely OO - i.e. none of the stuff below Basic/ export
routines to each other and it still works!
- changed occurences of foo(sig) to use '=for sig' as this seems to
work better with Pod::Parser.
- made random $x=random($y), i.e. to get inplace now random(inplace $y)
OK?????????? This is because I think it is natural to say
$r = random(zeroes(10,20,2)), etc.
If this is a major headache let me know and I will change it back.
- Docs => undef allowed - no PP docs at all (not even the sig)
- Various changes to Docs.pm and Docs::Perldl.pm - apropos text searches
now include module names and one-line desriptions. God I love this
- Renamed Iutil module as ImageRGB - hope this is OK???
- changed name of 'inv' to 'matinv' in Slatec for consistency
with matmult in Primitive.
- lots of things.
- add type to PdlParObj.pm
Achim (req):
- Version to Core.pm
- New configuration.
... Not recorded. Real threading for example.
Lots of changes by everyone, e.g. FFT, Browser, ...
- simplescaler
- VRML !!!
- misc.t patch
- Browser hints
- autocreation memleak patch
- flexraw test correction
- Ops.pd: prevent creation of -0
- Core bug fixes for e.g. $a->slice("...")->index(...) .= foo,
originally reported by Christian.
- mandel.pl demo
- Autoload patch
- subclass fixes: pdl_destroy + test.
- sethdr + gethdr ref counts
- rfits/wfits update
- where etc.
- imag3d without lines
Kaj Wiik:
- tsimp.pl use correction
- Tk patch
- Change PP.pm to really allow Pars => 'a(tri=>3)' to happen.
Embarrassingly, this was a one-liner.
- OpenGL libs changed to take both GL and MesaGL.
- openglq.pd: use tri=3
- rout.pd ditto
- TriD.pm: documentation updates & 'LINE' as context
- Graph.pm: coordinate axes labels!
- test7.pl: some niceties.
- make the thread incs etc. into register variables.
this should, with a good compiler, result in some speedup.
- primitive.pd: histogram -> histogram + whistogram,
more thread-friendly.
- correct foo.t
- TriD: add imag3d_ns (no surface) and minor twiddling.
- PP: use PDLOBJ for the stub subs.
- Basic.pm: sec, ins fixes - use "int" to ensure type of coords.
- PG.pm fixes
- IIS fixes
- ws fixes for docs, pptest.t
- "small perldl fixes"
- start making support for piddle-controlled (e.g. affine)
transformations by using magic.
- Core.xs: setdims should now work with dataflow properly.
- Core.xs, pdl.h, pdlapi.h, PP.pm: add support for
foofunctions and PDL::Trans objects. These are a very basic way
of accessing the internals of transformations so that
in the future, as the mechanism is improved,
you can e.g. change your slice from outside.
The current level of support is enough to make a routine
that takes a slice of one dimension and is given offset and
increment and n in that.
- TriD:
- add test8.pl to demonstrate an use of foofunctions.
- document OpenGLQ and Rout
- add gl_triangles_n for shaded triangles
- TriD.pm:
- realcoords: add more contexts
- make the default routines all plot a graph
- GL.pm:
- add glPolygonOffset call to GL::Window in order to
get good-looking imag3d always
- change the colors to somewhat lighter ones.
- delete_viewports -> clear_viewports (like clear_objects)
- new argument to twiddle
- Graph.pm:
- default names for dataseries
- waffle less
- support changed dataseries
- Image.pm:
- use realcoords COLOR context
- Lines.pm:
- start deprecation by renaming package
- Objects.pm:
- realcoords support better by r_type
- waffle less
- SLattice_S to draw shaded lattices
- tests changed somewhat.
- Core.xs: remove pdl_unpackint unnecessarity
- Basic.pm: make axisvals return zeroes if not enough dimensions.
- Opt/Simplex/Simplex.pm: add support for temperature a la
Numerical Recipes.
- (Christian) - remove Data::Dumper from FastRaw.
- PP: several changes, basically inline *size and *incs into
register variables to speed up execution.
- TriD:
- add TriD/Rout for misc C routines for TriD
- add a routine to do flowing combination of 3 piddles into
coordinates or colours
- this makes the test3.pl data_changed stuff work again.
- imagrgb now defaults to a whole-window image - no reason
to make it rotatable with the mouse.
- TriD: add stuff for Tk
- OpenGL: ConnectionNumber
- ButtonPress + Release: more info back
- TriD.pm: add export imagrgb
- Control3D: small changes + TriD::Tk::post_menu
- GL.pm: ConnectionNumber support for Tk eventloop
- Graph.pm: minor changes
- Image.pm: major changes, make multi-D images actually work.
also, support for different multi-D background color.
***** NOTE: calling convention now same as with coordinates!
this means an incompatible change.
- added Tk.pm, rudimentary support for a menu of actions
associated with the displayed 3D graph. Currently, can save
the image.
- test3.pl: change to new imagrgb calling sequence.
- GoBoard.pm: ditto
- test6.pl: test the Tk functionality.
- testimg.pl: really test the multidimensional picture facility
with an 8-D tricolor picture.
- Io/Pnm/Pic.pm: use the new 'Func' convention
- perldl.PL: new '-tk' option to use Tk and the Tk event loop.
- TriD:
- Change default controller to ArcCone
- Graphs with axes!
- PP:
- EquivDimCheck now honoured
- iis.pd: #undef Generic
- OpenGL/Makefile.PL update + generate.PL tuning
- Browse: manpage twiddle
- Core/Basic.pm: use PDL::Core qw/:Func/;
- Core/Core.xs, pdl.h, pdlapi.h: hdr stuff (untested)
- Core/Core.xs: bugfix threadover_n to make_physical
- Core/pdlapi.c: pdl_destroy will not destroy if an affine trans the
child of which hasn't been allocated exists.
- Core/pdlapi.c: pdl_changed will not try to do overeager
optimization. Fixes flow.t bug
- Basic/t/flow.t: enable again the tests that now work.
- Gen/PP.pm: new '$a = inner($b,$c)' changes.
- Slices/slices.pd: splitdim checks arguments
- Basic/t/thread.t: semi-add new test
- Graphics/TriD/OpenGL: new PDL::OpenGL module to enable virtualization
- Graphics/TriD/OpenGLQ: a test for TriD virtualization of OpenGL,
this will later on expand a lot
- Graphics/TriD/TriD.pm & TriD/*: new docs, small changes.
- Io/Fastraw/FastRaw.pm: don't waffle when mmapping
- MANIFEST.SKIP: add more ignorable stuff
- Fixed multiple 'use PDL' etc problem for loaders.
- "use 5.004"
1.93_01 (Kgb) MAJOR CHANGES
- these are very significant and affect code throughout the
system so EXPECT problems. In particular note that this code
is the new PATCHBASE.
PDL_OO.pm now deleted.
PDL::Exporter is DEAD and gone!! (hooray)
All modules now define their functions in package PDL.
The idea is a PDL::Module now looks like this:
package PDL::Module;
@EXPORT_OK = qw( sub1 sub2 ...);
@ISA = qw( Exporter ... );
*sub1 = \&PDL::sub1;
sub PDL::sub1 { ... def ...}
# If you wanted to do something special (e.g. a constructor) you can:
sub rfits(PDL->rfits(@_)); # This gets exported
sub PDL::rfits {
my $class = shift;
# etc...
i.e. the onus is entirely on the module writer.
Thus saying 'use PDL::Module' will load (cheaply) PDL methods.
If you want to (less cheaply) import functions say 'use PDL::Module qw/:Func/'
PP has been modified to generate modules which follow this scheme. i.e. by
default it stuffs its functions in to the PDL namespace, and writes stubs
'*sub1 = \&PDL::sub1;' into the PM file. This can be changed at whim
however. There is a new pp function - pp_bless('MyObj') which will change the
default package from "PDL" to 'MyObj' in anticipation of future
Object-Oriented PP modules. (Up to the author how he writes his module).
Also the pp_def(PMFunc=>'...') attribute can be used to generate special
purpose PM code instead of the default.
Comments please, hopefully nice ones as I have spent all day changing
code everywhere and debugging!!!
- Karl (exhausted)
- Module defaults
PDL.pm now loads a set of standard packages (with :Func) - including graphics
and I/O for TPJ article and v1.11 compatibility. Thus a script with 'use PDL'
is v1.11 compatible (modulo bug fixes!)
Lite.pm loads only the truly fundametal core, with no imports, for method
speed freaks. Thus a lean script need only say 'use PDL::Lite' plus whatever
else it needs.
I hope various other sets of meta-modules (PDL::Astronomy, PDL::Medical) etc
will follow this simple scheme. Basically there is nothing sacred about
'use PDL' anymore - it is just one of many loaders.
- perldl shell
The 'perldl' script sources C<~/.perldlrc> if present or falls back to
C<PDL/default.perldlrc>. The latter just does the standard 'use PDL'
Thus by creating a C<~/.perldlrc> you are free to 'use PDL::Lite' or
whatever set of modules you fancy without impinging on v1.11 compatibility.
I think this is a rather elegant solution to all our aesthetic tastes
(namespace polluters vs method maniacs, module hoarders vs leany
meanies) while still ensuring script compatibility with v1.11.
I hope everyone is happy with this!
- Fixed minor bug in FlexRaw
1.92_10: 'make test' ok but see flow.t
- PATCHBASE reset to zero
- new wfits() with BITPIX support and clever BSCALE/BZERO - PLEASE TEST!!
- added Robin's PDL::Io::Browser
- Robin's 'cutmask' function (need PP version!!!) - needs docs SOMEWHERE!!
- string() no longer make_physical()
- added mslice and test (slice.t)
- lags patch (Jun 29)
- extra tests to flow.t which FAIL, currently disabled as
'make test' then stops early.
- added some tests of simple ops and functions
- moved all the 2D routines (med2d etc) into PDL::Image2D
- Inserted new TriD 16/Jul (untested)
- tjl's 'IMPORTANT: Just let me eat my words once more today' patch
- applied tjl's 'minorities' patch - ext modules now seem to work
- fixed rfits/wfits bugs, added gzip/compress support via suffixes
- increased size trap in pdlhash.c to 1Gb
- applied Tuomas' Simplex patch
- applied Robin's patch: SlowRaw -> FlexRaw
- added PDL::Io::Pnm and PDL::Io::Pic (+PDL::Lib::Iutil) to
support image I/O based on pbmplus/netpbm (+ wmpeg based on
- PDL::PP - $TBSULFD(B,S,U,L,F,D)_func now expands to
B_func, S_func, etc *without* intervening whitespace
- byte+ qualifier to make a pdl a "typeslave"
- dispensed with Pthread.pm, thread_define now part of
- new PDL::Dbg
- ops.pd debugged
- FastRaw doc patches (TJL)
Applied the 41(!) missing patches. See file KGB.1.92_06_TO_1.92_07
- numerous small changes.
- Rudimentary perl level threading; see documentation in Pthread.pm.
- Diagonal patch
- workaround for slice and clump to *not* leave trans in
a too ill-defined state when croaking (previously sometimes
coredumped upon destruction (as reported by Karl), see tests
in croak.t).
- Karl's zeroes patch.
- Matmult in primitive.pd.
- history mechanism for perldl.
- PDL::PP : type+ qualifiers, int, float and double now supported
$GENERIC, $SIZE, fixed $P vaffine bug, [t] now does
something, set named dimension from an 'OtherPars', i.e.
OtherPars => 'int nsz => n'
- primitive.pd : added histogram + interpol
- Basic.pm : added hist
- new file tests.pd in Basic/Test to hold tests for PP features
- updated indexing.pod, PP.pod and FAQ.pod
- Lib/Makefile.PL : only build slatec stuff if we have f2c (until we
get a Makefile that works with ExtUtils::F77)
- Dev.pm : change postambles so that C files built from .pd's will be cleaned
Lots of patches from people installed. If I forget someone's
attribution, please remind me.
Vaffining. Just about everything should work now.
New library files that don't work properly yet.
Perldl: don't use blib unless have to (eval).
Hashes done away with: $a->{...} doesn't work.
It was impossible to get both that *and* a reasonable
assignment behaviour.
Bug fixen
The perldl shell now aborts on <EOF>, q and Q.