MVC::Neaf::X::Session - Session engine base class for Not Even A Framework


A framework, even a toy one, is incomplete until it can handle user sessions.

This class offers managing sessions via a cookie ("session" by default) plus a user-defined backend storage mechanism.

Whatever is stored in the session, stays in the session - until it's deleted.

Within the application, session is available through Request methods session(), save_session(), and delete_session(). During the setup phase, MVC::Neaf->set_session_handler( $engine ) must be called in order to make use of those.

This class is base class for such $engine.


use MVC::Neaf;
use MVC::Neaf::X::Session;

# somewhere in the beginning
    package My::Session;

    sub save_session {
        my ($self, $id, $data) = @_;
        $self->{data}{ $id } = $data;

    sub load_session {
        my ($self, $id) = @_;
        return $self->{data}{ $id };
MVC::Neaf->set_session_handler( My::Session->new );

# somewhere in the controller
sub {
    my $req = shift;

    $req->session; # {} 1st time, { user => ... } later on
    $req->session->{user} = $user;


new( %options )

The default constructor just happily closes over whatever is given to it.


This is supposed to be a constant regular expression compatible with whatever get_session_id generates.

If none given, a sane default is supplied.

get_session_id( [$user_salt] )

Generate a new, shiny, unique, unpredictable session id. Id is base64-encoded.

The default is using two rounds of md5 with time, process id, hostname, and random salt. Should be unique and reasonably hard to guess.

If argument is given, it's also added to the mix.

Set $MVC::Neaf::X::Session::Hash to other function (e.g. Digest::SHA::sha224) if md5 is not secure enough.

Set $MVC::Neaf::X::Session::Host to something unique if you know better. Default is hostname.

Set $MVC::Neaf::X::Session::Truncate to the desired length (e.g. if length constraint in database). Default (0) means return however many chars are generated by hash+base64.



Create a new session. The default is to return an empty hash.

save_session( $id, $data )

Save session data in the storage.

This MUST be implemented in specific session driver class.

load_session( $id )

Return session data from the storage.

This MUST be implemented in specific session driver class.

delete_session( $id )

Remove session from storage.

The default is do nothing and wait for session data to rot by itself.

NOTE It is usually a good idea to cleanup session storage from time to time since some users may go away without logging out (cleaned cookies, laptop eaten by crocodiles etc).