MVC::Neaf::Util - Some static functions for Not Even A Framework
This module is probably of no use by itself. See MVC::Neaf.
This module optionally exports anything it has.
Return a date in format required by HTTP standard for cookies and cache expiration.
# Expires=Wed, 13 Jan 2021 22:23:01 GMT;
canonize_path( path, want_slash )
Convert '////fooo//bar/' to '/foo/bar' and '//////' to either '' or '/'.
path_prefixes ($path)
List ('', '/foo', '/foo/bar') for '/foo/bar'
run_all( [CODE, ...], @args )
Run all subroutines in array. Exceptions not handled. Return nothing.
run_all_nodie( [CODE, ...], $on_error, @args )
Run all subroutines in array, even if some die.
Execute on_error in such cases.
Return number of failed callbacks.