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mira - static site generator


This document describes mira version 0.07.


mira is an integrated content management framework for create multiple websites

you can create your blogs, photoblogs, image galleries, podcasts, books, portfolio, docs, manuals, projects pages and... in mira's floors. each floor is a separate website which can have its own config, template and fields or use main floor settings.

mira is cool?


No need databases, just static content flies and a template body. mira performs all other tasks


Write your contetnt's body whatever you like, Markdown, Textile, BBcode, HTML or just simple texts.


no limit for make archive lists like categories, tags, seassions, chapters and... or single fields like title, sub title, thumbs and... just keep dreaming about what you need, mira will make them


simple, fast & perlish multiple website generator

mira structure based in floors, each folder in content directory is a separate site, which can have them config and template, or use main config seting


mkdir mira_Site_name
cd mira_Site_name
mira init

now you have a mira site in your mira_Site_name folder

edit config.yml

description: A Description about your site
author: your name
email: your-email@domain.com
url: PUBLISH.ADDRESS.COM # or something else like http://localhost:80
root: / # root address of your site, leave it / if you dont like publish in subfolders like ADDRES.COM/SUB/
static: /static # the site static files address, content of 'statics' folder in your root mira_Site_name folder will be copy here, ADDRES.COM/static
imageurl: /static/img # in your entries if you use [% img %] will be replaced by this address
permalink: :year/:month/:day/:title/ #your entry address static address follow this path
default_body_format: markdown # default markup for your entry body, but you can change it for each post in header field: body_format
default_floor: blog # default floor for when you use 'mira new' without --floor switch
template: THEME_NAME # body template for make your static HTMLs, your template folder name in template directory in mira root
lists: # the fields which your archive based on them
- categories
- tags
- author

you can make config file for each floor in config directory in mira root, e.x: config/YOUR_FLOOR.yml


mira <CoMMand> [-?h] [options]
-? -h --help show help

Available commands:

commands: list the application's commands help : display a command's help screen build : site builder init : mira structure generator new : new entry maker

available options:

command 'new' options: -f, --floor : make new post in your floor


new post

mira new -t "YOUR POST TITLE" -f "FLOOR_NAME"
this command your content file in: content/FLOOR_NAME/yy-mm-dd-YOUR_POST_TITLE.pen
in header this file have your fields structures, from structure/FLOOR_NAME + utid, title, date...

NOTE: never edit utid


mira build

mira make your sites in public directory, if your floor have them config file, mira use it for make your floor, and if no config file mira make it in public/FLOOR_NAME by default configs stored in main config.yml


mira view [--host] [--port 5000]

a simple static file server based on your public directory


kiavash <kiavash@cpan.org>


mira is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.