Giblog - Web site and Blog builders you can manage with Git


Website Example


Blog Example


Giblog is a utility to create your web site or blog. You can create your web site or blog using giblog command. All created files is static files, so you can manage them using git. You can freely customize your website by editting the build command.


# New empty web site
$ giblog new mysite

# New web site
$ giblog new_website mysite

# New blog
$ giblog new_blog mysite

# Change directory
$ cd mysite

# Add new entry
$ giblog add

# Build web site
$ giblog build

# Serve a web site
$ giblog serve

# Publish web site
$ giblog publish origin main

# Add new entry with home directory
$ giblog add --home /home/kimoto/mysite

# Build web site with home directory
$ giblog build --home /home/kimoto/mysite


Giblog have the following features.

  • Build Website and Blog.

  • Git mangement. All created files is Static. you can manage files by git.

  • Linux, macOS, Windows Support. (In Windows, recommend installation of msys2)

  • Provide default CSS for Smart phone site.

  • Header, Hooter and Side bar support

  • You can customize Top and Bottom section of content.

  • You can customize HTML head.

  • Automatical Line break. p tag is automatically added.

  • Escape <, > automatically in pre tag

  • Title tag is automatically added from first h1-h6 tag.

  • Description meta tag is automatically added from first p tag.

  • You can customize your web site by Perl.

  • You can serve your web site in local environment. Contents changes is detected and build automatically(need Mojolicious).

  • Fast. Build 645 pages by 0.78 seconds in starndard linux environment.

  • Support Github Pages, both user and project page.


Create web site

1. Create Empty website

"new" command create empty website. "mysite" is a name of your web site.

giblog new mysite

If you want to create empty site, choice this command. Templates and CSS is empty and provide minimal site building process.

2. Create Website

"new_website" command create simple website. "mysite" is a name of your web site.

giblog new_website mysite

If you want to create simple website, choice this command. Top page "templates/index.html" is created. List page "templates/list.html" is created, which is prepare to create blog entry pages easily for feature.

CSS is responsive design and supports smart phone and provide basic site building process.

3. Create Blog

"new_blog" command create empty website. "mysite" is a name of your web site.

giblog new_blog mysite

If you want to create blog, choice this prototype. Top page "templates/index.html" is created, which show 7 days entries. List page "templates/list.html" is created, which show all entries links.

CSS is responsive design and supports smart phone and provide basic blog building process.

Add blog entry page

You need to change directory to "mysite" before run "add" command if you are in other directory.

cd mysite

"add" command add entry page.

giblog add

Created file name is, for example,


This file name contains current date and time.

To write new entry, You open it, write h2 head and content.

<h2>How to use Giblog</h2>

How to use Giblog. This is ...

Other parts wrapping content like Header and footer is automatically added in building process.

Add content page

If you want to create content page, put file into "templates" directory.


Then open these file, write h2 head and content.

<h2>How to use Giblog</h2>

How to use Giblog. This is ...

Other parts wrapping content like Header and footer is automatically added in building process.

You can put file into sub directory.


Note that "templates/static" and "templates/common" is special directories. Don't push content page files into these directories.

# Special directories you don't put content page files into

Add static page

If you want to add static files like css, images, JavaScript, You put these file into "templates/static" directory.

Files in "templates/static" directory is only copied to public files by build process.


Customize header or footer, side bar, top of content, bottom of content

You can customize header, footer, side bar, top of content, bottom of content.

Top of content   |
Content          |bar
Bottom of content|

If you want to edit these section, you edit these files.

templates/common/header.html     Header
templates/common/top.html        Top of content
templates/common/side.html       Side bar
templates/common/bottom.html     Bottom of content
templates/common/footer.html     Footer

Customize HTML header

You can customize HTML header.

    <!-- HTML header -->


If you want to edit HTML header, you edit the following file.


Build web site

You need to change directory to "mysite" before run "build" command if you are in other directory.

cd mysite

"build" command build web site.

giblog build

What is build process?

build process is writen in "lib/Giblog/Command/".

"build" command only execute "run" method in "" .

# "lib/Giblog/Command/" in web site created by "new_blog" command
package Giblog::Command::build;

use base 'Giblog::Command';

use strict;
use warnings;

use File::Basename 'basename';

sub run {
  my ($self, @args) = @_;

  # API
  my $api = $self->api;

  # Read config
  my $config = $api->read_config;

  # Copy static files to public

  # Get files in templates directory
  my $files = $api->get_templates_files;

  for my $file (@$files) {
    # Data
    my $data = {file => $file};

    # Get content from file in templates directory

    # Parse Giblog syntax

    # Parse title

    # Edit title
    my $site_title = $config->{site_title};
    if ($data->{file} eq 'index.html') {
      $data->{title} = $site_title;
    else {
      $data->{title} = "$data->{title} - $site_title";

    # Add page link
    $api->add_page_link_to_first_h_tag($data, {root => 'index.html'});

    # Parse description

    # Read common templates

    # Add meta title

    # Add meta description

    # Build entry html

    # Build whole html

    # Write to public file

  # Create index page

  # Create list page

You can customize build process if you need.

If you need to know Giblog API, see Giblog::API.

Serve web site

You can serve web site by serve command.

# Serve web site
giblog serve

You see the following message.

Web application available at

This command is same as the following code. morbo command of Mojolicious start up

# Same as the following
morbo -w giblog.conf -w lib -w templates

If giblog.conf, files in templates or lib directory is changed, Web site is automatically rebuild.

If you use before Giblog 2.0, you can serve a web site by the following way.

# Old style before Giblog 2.0

Publish web site

You can publish the web site by publish command.

# Publish the web site
giblog publish origin main

This is the same as the following command. In this example, the repository name is origin and the branch name is main. YY-mm-dd HH:MM:SS is current date and time.

git -C public add --all
git -C public commit -m "Published by Giblog at YY-mm-dd HH:MM:SS"
git -C public push origin main


Giblog config file is "giblog.conf".

This is Perl script and return config as hash reference.

use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;

# giblog.conf
  site_title => 'mysite😄',
  site_url => 'http://somesite.example',


site_title => 'mysite😄'

Site title


site_url => 'http://somesite.example'

Site URL.


base_path => '/subdir'

Base path. Base path is used to deploy your site to sub directory.

For example, Project page URL of Github Pages is

You specify the following

base_path => '/giblog-theme1-public'

Top character of base_path must be slash "/".

HTML files is output into "public/giblog-theme1-public" directory.


These methods is internally methods. Normally, you don't need to know these methods. See Giblog::API to manipulate HTML contents.


my $api = Giblog->new(%params);

Create Giblog object.


  • home_dir - home directory

  • config - config



Run command system.


my $config = $giblog->config;

Get Giblog config.


my $home_dir = $giblog->home_dir;

Get home directory.



Dose Giblog support Windows?

Giblog doesn't support native Windows(Strawberry Perl, or Active Perl) because Giblog depends on Git and Mojolicious.

If you use Giblog in Windows, you can use msys2 or WSL2.

What is the lowest version of Perl supported by Giblog?

The lowest version of Perl is the same version as Mojolicious because Giblog depends on Mojolicious. The current version is Perl 5.16+.

What is the lowest version of Git required by Giblog?

Git 1.8.5+.

What to consider when upgrading from Giblog 2 to Giblog 3?

Giblog 3.0 is compatible with Giblog 2.0. You can upgrade from Giblog 2.0 to Giblog 3.0 naturally.

What to consider when upgrading from Giblog 1 to Giblog 2?

From Giblog 2.0 the lowest version of Perl depends on Mojolicious, so use the latest Perl as possible.

Git 1.8.5+ is required.


Giblog Official Site


Yuki Kimoto, <kimoto.yuki at>


Yasuaki Omokawa, <omokawa at>


Copyright 2018-2021 Yuki Kimoto.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the the Artistic License (2.0). You may obtain a copy of the full license at: